chapter 6: hormones

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[Taehyung's POV]

She has finally started to become more comfortable around me. She would invite me to her house every day and I would make it so every other  day, I would look around her house for the not very well hidden money.

Today was the first time she invited me to her bedroom. Everything was light pink, I almost thought it was a kid's room. She laid on her stomach on her bed as she did homework while I sat with my back against the headboard, on my phone.

"I'll be back." I slipped out of the bed and took this opportunity to check out the master bedroom. I went straight into the walk-in closet and dug through jewelry boxes.

Chuckling to myself, I stuffed some of the poorly hidden hundred dollar bills into my pocket and snuck out of the room.

When I went back into Joy's bedroom, she was sleeping on her homework and I climbed back onto the bed. I laid on my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows, staring at her.

I shook her shoulder and whispered, "Hey, Joy, wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open, but scooted back when she saw how close our faces were. "I-I'm sorry." I don't know why she was apologizing and she turned her head to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"Joy, look at me," I placed my hand on her cheek and she slowly faced me. I stared at her lips that did look pretty kissable. It's been a while since I've hooked up with someone, and it's about time that I kissed her since she's my "girlfriend."

I placed my hands down on either side of her and she stared up at me, anticipating my next move. I brushed her hair out of her face and softly kissed her cheek. I inched closer towards her lips and she was practically shaking.

"W-wait Taehyung..." She placed her hands to her face and looked away.

"What's wrong, princess?"

She sighed. I know she loves it when I call her that.

"I'm just...I'm kind of..."

 I assumed she has never kissed anyone before. Isn't it obvious?

But I can't control my hormones forever. "You're so innocent." I held her wrists down and pressed my lips against hers, starting off slowly so she could get used to it. I kissed her more roughly and she was still shy about everything.

She seriously needed to do something about that because I'm getting bored with her and it would make it hard to hook up if she's always acting so nervous.

I grabbed her waist and flipped our positions so she was on top. She held her hands close to her chest, but I made sure that she didn't break the kiss. I placed my hand on the back of her head and bit on her bottom lip, to which she muffled a squeal.

I finally let her take a break and sat up. Joy's face looked terrified and frozen.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it the more we do it."

I kissed her once more before telling her that I had to head home. When she walked me to her front door, instead of a kiss, she gave me a hug. I just patted her back and said I would see her tomorrow.

Arriving back at home, I was already in a bad mood. I haven't had time to satisfy my needs lately and Joy for sure was not going to satisfy them.

"Here." I threw the money onto the table where Joon was sitting and he looked at me, unamused. "What's wrong, baby brother?"

"Joy's my problem. Even though I'm her boyfriend, she doesn't want to do anything with me. Seriously, I'm a teenage boy. How long does she expect me to wait?"

"Then go find someone else." Joon suggested, turning back to his laptop.

"Someone else who so happens to be a millionaire? Yeah, like that's easy."

"No, just find another girl on the side to have your fun with."

Oh right. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

That night, I went out to a bar in the city. I always just swiped Joon's ID without him knowing. I sat on the bar stool and looked at the available girls in the room.

"Here's your drink, sir," the bar tender pushed me a drink and I spun back around, smirking when I saw her.

"You can call me Taehyung."

"Well, here you go, Taehyung," She leaned against the counter, purposely making her cleavage show in her low cut shirt.

"What time do you get off work?"

In less than 10 minutes, the girl's shift was over. We went on my motorcycle and we went back to her place. The moment we were in her apartment, she pushed me against the wall and pulled my shirt over my head. She worked fast.

Her legs wrapped around my waist and we went into her room. I dropped her onto her bed and climbed on top of her. Kissing her hungrily and lustfully. I had no idea what her name was, but it didn't matter.

I unbuttoned her shirt and kissed her neck and down to her stomach. She pulled me back up and pushed me on the bed. Her lips attached to my neck and I've never been with someone like her before.

She was very aggressive and was the kind of girl who knows what she wants. And at the moment, it was me.

I rolled over and checked the time on my phone. It was 6am. "Shit." I looked beside me and it was that girl from last night. I quickly put on my clothes and went to her bathroom to wash up. I was able to leave without her waking up and begging me to stay.


I really like underrated kpop groups and I want to promote the shit out of them. Can everyone pls stan brave girls????

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