chapter 10: jimin

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"Taehyung please! I don't want you getting sick too!" Joy said between bursts of laughter. Taehyung was currently trying to cuddle with her in bed and kept kissing her face.

"I don't care." He left a long kiss on her cheek, but she tried pushing him away.

"Don't blame me if you get sick." She slapped her hand over her mouth and he just continued to kiss her hand, laughing between kisses.

Joy noticed Taehyung's phone lighting up and she grabbed it for him, "You have a text from Hyemin."

Taehyung lifted his eyebrow, trying to think of who Hyemin was. He realized Hyemin was the name of the girl in the hallway and he hastily grabbed the phone out of Joy's hand, checking the text.

Are you still up for tonight?

Taehyung slickly tried to cover up the text box so Joy wouldn't see what was going on. He so badly wanted to hook up with Hyemin tonight, but he was already in hot water thanks to Jungkook. He didn't need to give Joy a reason to be suspicious of him.

"Ah, it's my partner asking if we're working tonight. I'm telling her that I'm postponing it to take care of you." Taehyung said aloud when in actuality, he just told Hyemin some other time.

"You don't have to sacrifice your project for me." Joy mumbled guiltily and tugged on the front of Taehyung's shirt.

"I care about you more than my project." He held Joy close to him and took this opportunity to kiss her free lips.

Joy groaned and pushed herself away.

"What? You don't like it when I kiss you?"

Joy shook her head shyly, "It's not that I don't like it...but you know, I don't want to get you sick."

"So you do like it when I kiss you." Taehyung said confidently.

"I like it." Joy admitted quietly, "And I really like you."

Taehyung smiled slyly and twirled a piece of Joy's hair with his finger. She was so easy.

"Ah-choo," Taehyung sniffled and opened the fridge to find some medicine. "Hyung, do we have anything for colds?"

"Are you sick? Gross." Joon passed by him in the kitchen, not bothering to help him with his problem.

"It's because I was with Joy this whole time taking care of her. Bitch got me sick." He sighed frustratingly because he knew it was his fault for kissing Joy. But he just wanted to act sweet to her, especially after Jungkook keeps trying to snitch on him.

"Here." Taehyung placed some money on the table and Joon counted it satisfyingly. "Even when her parents were home, they didn't even notice me trying to scour their house."

"Nice. You keep getting more and more every time. I finally reached an agreement with the creditors--"

"You mean the mafia?"

"Shut up. They're extending the deadline until the end of the year. It's still not a lot of time but it's more than we had before."


"Where are you eating lunch today?" Joy cradled her lunch bag in her arms and caught up with Sowon who had already stepped out of the classroom.

"In the cafeteria. Are you not going to go with your boyfriend though?"

"I don't have to spend every lunch with him. I miss hanging out with you and Jungkook."

Sowon smiled and linked arms with Joy and the two girls headed towards the cafeteria. Sowon looked around in search for Jungkook, and she spotted him saving a table with his other friend. "There he is, let's go."

"Omo. Sowon wait." Joy pulled her friend back and hid behind her. "Jimin is at the table."

"Yeahhhhhh soooo?" Sowon smirked at Joy. She knew the reason why Joy was so nervous, but she wanted to hear her say it.

"J-Jimin he...."

"Jimin still makes you nervous, huh?"

"B-but it should be fine. I haven't thought about him for a while."

"Do you still think he's really cute?" Sowon teased.

Joy covered her face and nodded, "Why does Jungkook let him sit at our table? I won't be able to eat if he's around."

Sowon looked over to the guys. They spotted the girls near the entrance and waved. "Well you cant run away now. C'mon it's fine."

"Hey Sowon," Jungkook smiled sweetly and held his girlfriend's hand as she sat down. When he made eye contact with Joy, he had a weak smile but still tried to be civil, "Hey Joy."

"Hi." She looked around and since Sowon and Jungkook with sitting next to each other, she had to sit next to Jimin.

"Hey Joy! How've you been?" He greeted her cheerfully and she felt her cheeks warm up. She instantly felt guilty because she knew she shouldn't still be feeling this way. Especially since she has Taehyung. But Jimin was the kind of guy who Joy couldn't completely forget about.

"I've been fine. I've just been recovering from an illness." She tucked her hair behind her ear and occupied herself by arranging her lunch on the table.

Jimin conversed with her casually and soon Joy loosened up and spoke normally with him. There were times when he would make her laugh and she would touch his arm, which was a normal reaction for her to do with Jimin.

Between their own conversation, Sowon and Jungkook would sneak peaks at Joy and Jimin and whispered to each other. They agreed that Jimin suits Joy more than Taehyung and would constantly nudge each other whenever they saw Joy place her hand on Jimin's arm.

"Look how happy she is talking to him," Sowon whispered.

Jungkook agreed and whispered back, "At least we know he would treat her right, unlike---"

"Hey Joy, I was looking for you."

Jungkook groaned and turned around in his seat, undelighted to see Taehyung behind him.

"Oh hi Taehyung. I'm sorry I went ahead with Sowon today." She scooted over and motioned for him, "Join us."

Sowon and Jungkook exchanged annoyed stares and noticed that Jimin stared at Taehyung curiously.

"Um hi, I'm Jimin," He stood his hand out across to reach Taehyung, who shook it lightly before retracting.

"I'm her boyfriend, Taehyung."

"Oh...ok..." Jimin nodded his head and faced forward. The table was uncomfortably silent after that.

"Should I come by your class after school so we can go home together?" Taehyung spoke up, placing an arm around Joy.

"Actually, I um, I assumed that you would want to work on your project after school and I agreed to go somewhere with Jimin today."

Sowon and Jungkook watched Taehyung's reaction intently to see what he would do next.

"Hm. I see." He glared over at Jimin who held in a breath.

For the remainder of lunch, Taehyung sat there irritated as Joy mostly conversed with Jimin. She tried to let him join in on the conversation, but he didn't care about anything they were talking about.

He didn't like how he was basically being ignored and that Joy was giving all of her attention to Jimin. To grab her attention back momentarily, Taehyung rested his hand on Joy's upper thigh, right below her skirt. He gripped her thigh slightly, causing a small squeal to come out of her mouth. No one else at the table knew what was going on under the table and Joy simply removed Taehyung's hand away from her.


throw that lightweight shade

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