chapter 23: unknown

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[Taehyung's POV]

I headed to school in the morning and on my way, stopped by the convenience store to get Joy a box of chocolate covered gummy bears. I was about to get her the sour gummy worms, but I remember her saying that she didn't like those--or maybe she just said that because she was mad at the at the time, but anyway, I knew she would like these better.

I waited by her locker and checked my watch every ten minutes. Usually she would get to school earlier than I would. I knew Sowon's locker was right next to Joy's so I would see her and Jungkook sooner or later.

I saw the couple walking into the school and come up to me. "Is Joy here with you?" Sowon said to me first.

I shook my head, "No, I've been waiting for her."

She raised her eyebrow and looked to Jungkook. "I thought she would come to school with you."

Before I could answer her, I got a text from Joy's mom. We've exchanged numbers ever since the Saipan trip. It read: Morning Taehyung, just checking up on Joy. She's at school with you, right?

"Uh..." I tilted my head and replied to the text. "Sorry Mrs. Park. I came to school by myself. I'm waiting by Joy's locker right now for her to show up."

"Joy texted us last night saying that she was spending the night at your house to work on a project and that she would go to school the next morning."

I read the text from her mom and was really confused. "Hey you you know what Joy's mom is talking about in this text?" I showed my phone to Sowon and Jungkook who just gave me a weird look after reading it.

"Joy was with you last night. Well that's what she said when I texted her yesterday." Sowon said.

I shook my head again, "No she wasn't...I didn't even go home with her because I had to stay after school...Why would she tell you and her parents that she was with me when she wasn't?"

"Well...that's weird. I'll just text Joy right now and ask where she is." Sowon tapped on her phone and the bell rang. She said she would update me during lunch.

When class started, I tried to think positively. Joy was going to arrive at school and then I would get to see her before the day ends and then we would go back to my house and she would stay with me for a few hours. I would hold her as we watch a move and then take her home and give her a goodnight kiss.

When the lunch bell rang, I practically jumped out of my seat and went into the cafeteria where I saw Sowon and Jungkook. As I approached them, for once, Jungkook wasn't giving me that stupid glare of his. But it was replaced with a worried look, and I didn't think that was a good alternative...

"She hasn't texted me back. And I just got in contact with her parents saying that she's still not at school. The last time they heard from her was when she called her dad to send a driver. They said the driver came, but Joy was nowhere to be found but they later received a text from her saying she went home with you...No one knows where Joy is."

I stared blindly at the floor. Those were the last things I wanted to hear from Sowon.

[Joys's POV]

"Your friend Sowon texted you again. She's worried and asking where you are. Hmm should I text her again this time? Or maybe we just won't tell her."

I stared at the guy who kidnapped me yesterday. After I got in his car yesterday, he drove me to an unfamiliar part of town and I've been here ever since.


When I realized that we weren't going back home, I tried to open the door even if the car was moving. I placed my hand on the door handle, but it was locked. He was able to control it from the driver's seat. I couldn't escape.

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