chapter 15: instagram

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When we all left Jimin's house the other day, Yoongi and Hoseok told me that that getting Jimin to kiss me was the real reason why they wanted to play truth or dare. They asked me how it was to kiss him again and I just told them to shut up and stop acting so immature.

The first time Jimin kissed me was two years ago and it was also during a game of truth or dare. It was my first kiss and it was completely embarrassing because we were at a party and there were so many people around, but I can never forgot that moment. Jimin is so cute I just want to punch him because it makes me so mad.

[3rd Person]

Taehyung was starting to worry because Joy didn't reply to any of his texts the previous night. If Joy really is losing interest in him, then his plan is done, finished. Walking down the hallway, Taehyung straightened himself up and reassured himself that Joy was not going to dump him for Jimin.

He thought that getting Joy a little jealous would work in his benefit, but it was basically back firing. He spotted Joy trying to open her locker and he took a deep breath, preparing to greet her with a big hug.

Suddenly, Jimin appeared and started talking to Joy. Taehyung listened in on their conversation and didn't like what he was hearing.

"I'm sorry for kissing you yesterday." Jimin said.

"It's ok, y-you can just forget about it." Joy tried hiding her face behind her books and tried to not look Jimin in the eye.

"I can't believe she let him kiss her." Taehyung said to himself as he watched the two.

Jimin placed his hand on Joy's shoulder and she froze. "I'm sorry, I feel really bad..."

"It's ok. Don't feel bad..."

"Why is she telling him not to feel bad???" Taehyung said to himself again.

"But if Taehyung finds out..." Jimin let his voice trail off, not wanting to think about what Taehyung would do.

"I'm gonna kick your ass for ruining everything." Taehyung balled his hands into fists.

"We just won't tell him what happened." Joy said finally. Although he was a little nervous, Jimin agreed to keeping everything a secret from Taehyung. It was for the best if he didn't want to get punched.

After Jimin left in the opposite direction, Taehyung came out from behind the wall and stepped in front of Joy. "Hi baby."

"Hi." Joy said expressionlessly and walked passed him. She was still annoyed with him for the way he acted the other day.

"Can I walk you to class?" He caught up to her and place his arm over her shoulder.

Joy looked at his hand that was touching her and Taehyung got the message to back off.  Joy quickened her pace and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm going to go ahead."

For the rest of the morning, Taehyung was still pissed at how Joy was treating him. He wasn't used to girls treating him that way. He placed his books up on his desk and pretended to read as he took out his phone.

He opened his instagram app and cursed under his breath as he saw a post from yesterday. It was the picture that Joy posted with Jimin and the caption "with the love of my life."

During lunch, Sowon and Joy sat down at a table first and didn't expect Taehyung to burst through the door and sit down at their table. "What is this?" He held the phone in front of Joy's face and she had to scoot back and look to Sowon because she didn't know what to do.

"What are you bitching about, Taehyung?" Sowon spoke up in a condescending tone.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at Sowon and turned back to Joy. "You posted this picture with Jimin yesterday and called him the love of your life. What the hell is that about?"

Joy rolled her eyes at Taehyung jumping to conclusions, "Calm down Taehyung, I wasn't talking about..." She didn't get to finish her sentence because her eyes got a better look at the post and saw that it was edited. Originally she typed 'with the love of my life...oh and jimin's here too,' but the last part was deleted and it only said 'with the love of my life.'

"Do you really have the right to be jealous? You're the one who's always off with another girl. Don't get mad at Joy because she has other friends who happen to be guys." Sowon thankfully stepped in again as Joy was not able to think of any comebacks.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just--why do you always have to speak for Joy anyway? She should be the one to explain herself." Taehyung slammed his hand on the table.

"Taehyung stop, you're making a scene." Joy frowned and was now looking utterly annoyed with the guy sitting beside her. "Can you just go sit with your other friends today?"

Taehyung sat back and clenched his hands. This was not how the situation was supposed to go. He was supposed to confront Joy about the picture and then Joy was supposed to apologize like an obedient girlfriend.

After taking a deep breath, Taehyung realized that it was time to bring out the perfect boyfriend character again. He softened his expression and placed his hand on Joy's. "No wait Joy, I'm sorry for getting mad, I was just worried that--"

"I don't really want to talk to you today. Sowon, let's go." Joy picked up her tray and walked away from the table. Sowon picked up her tray and followed her friend out the door.

"I never thought that you would ever talk to Taehyung that way." Sowon beamed as the two reached the outside tables.

"He's a hypocrite. He acts wayyy too friendly with Hyemin and then he gets mad at me when I talk to Jimin. He also acts all annoyed if I ask him why he didn't text me back, I'm just treating him the way he's treating me."

Sowon clapped her hands in victory and smile brightly, "I like it."

"But what I don't get is why the picture I posted yesterday didn't have the full caption. I was clearly making a joke and talking about the patbingsoo, not Jimin."

"Oh yeah...yesterday when you weren't looking, I took your phone and changed the caption."

"What?? Why would you do that?"

"It was just a joke." Sowon pouted innocently.

"Well now Taehyung's mad at me because of that--ugh whatever. I don't care. He can be mad if he wants."

"Dude, stop moping around. Do something productive like making me ramen." Joon kicked Taehyung who was lying lifelessly on the couch with his face buried into a pillow.

"I messed up." Taehyuned mumbled.

"What is it now?"

"Making Joy jealous did not work at all. All I did was push her away and practically handed her to Jimin...Joy is like the first girl to ever resist me, how is that even possible??"

"I already told you, you're not as great as you think you are." Joon said from the kitchen, deciding to make himself ramen.

"What should I do to get her to like me again? It was way easier when she was soft spoken and listened to everything I said."

"You got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out. From the beginning I told you that this was a dumb idea but you said you could handle it, so you better pull through."


I might just post the next chapter later tonight bc I really don't like these two chapters *rolls eyes*

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