chapter 1: instant millionaires

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PLEASE READ obviously this is a fanfic & the way the characters act are solely for the plot of this book (don't hate me pls if you end up thinking Taehyung is an asshole or Joy is too naïve, because that's how their characters are supposed to be). Idk if you may find their behavior to be annoying or way off from how they're normall perceived, but as I say again, this is a fanfic so0o0o0o0o0 bye idk how to end this. Enjoy I guess ;))))

It's been exactly a week since the big event happened and everything just felt so different. Just like everyone's parents, mine bought a lottery ticket at the grocery store, even though there was like a .99999% we would actually win. Well I suppose luck was on our side because we won the lottery and of course, most things change when you become part of the 1% that holds most of the wealth in the country.

During school, people were extremely nice to me. While I wasn't looking, I accidentally bumped into someone, bust instead of being told to watch where I was going, the person apologized to me first.

"It's obvious they all want something from you." My best friend, Sowon crossed her arms and scowled at the people watching us. Her intense glare scared them off. "I'm surprised your dad didn't send you to school with any body guards or pull you out so you can join an elite private school with other kids of your kind."

I blinked at her, clutching my books tighter, "What do you mean my kind ?"

"After your family won the lottery, you're no longer like us normal people. You're wayyy above us all." She said with a laugh. "In just a couple of days, your family's name has been on every newspaper and every news channel. Everyone knows who you are and how much you're worth. Now our classmates are trying to find any excuse to get close to you."

I looked over my shoulder and saw a crowd of schoolmates gathered around and whispering. Some were excited and others looked jealous. "Oh okay...I guess you're right."

"Let's just get to class before people start asking for your autograph," Sowon joked while pushing past people who were blocking our way.

I guess I wasn't exactly watching where I was going (it was hard because I kept getting distracted by the people whispering my name in the halls) but I accidentally bumped someone's shoulder. When I turned around, I saw that it was Taehyung who looked like he didn't even notice that I bumped into him. He just kept walking with his fingers tapping on his phone.

"Now you're even richer than Kim Taehyung. That's crazy." Sowon said to me as she relinked our arms. Taehyung wasn't super rich, but he was more well off than most of the students at our school. I heard that he even gave his past teachers $500 to give him the best marks on his report card.

When we got to class, Sowon took the seat next to her boyfriend, Jungkook. "Hey guys!" He gave us a big smile and took out two cartons of banana milk from his backpack, handing them to me and Sowon.

What I like about Sowon and Jungkook is that they didn't treat me any different after finding out how much money my family has acquired.

"You know Joy, my birthday's coming up and I've always wanted to take a trip to Australia."

Sowon and I rolled our eyes and punched Jungkook on both sides of his arms, "Shut up, Jungkook." We said in unison.

[Taehyung's POV]

"Kim Taehyung, do you know why you are here?"

I was currently in the principal's office where the chairs were really soft so I leaned back and made myself more comfortable. "Well why don't you tell me."

I saw him grit his teeth after I said that. It was kind of amusing.

"Last week, you paid your English teacher $100 to give you an A on your exam."

"Nah, I earned that A."

"You bribed your teacher." He glared. "You do know there will be consequences for what you did."

I started reaching into my back pocket for my wallet. Maybe if I bribed the principal, that would shut him up. Then I realized I didn't have any cash on me, so I crossed my arms.

"48 hours of community service for the school." The principal said, while writing down the punishment on a piece of paper.

I chuckled to myself because 48 of community service wasn't that bad. He was going on about how doing this will make me a better person or something. I can't remember because I was distracted by the moles on his face. If I had a marker, I could probably connect the dots and make it into a constellation.

After school I started work in the office stapling papers and doing bitch work for all the teachers. I walked into the filing room and noticed a girl in there fixing folders. "You got stuck doing community service too?"

"Hm?" She turned around and even looked a little scared, "Oh no, um, I'm just helping out the teachers."

"You're tryna suck up to them so they'll give you a better grade?"

She shook her head, "No, I just know that they're really busy so I offered to help them with these small things."

I looked at the stack of paper she was holding in her hands and saw my math quiz on the very top. It said 30/100. "Hey let me see that for a bit." I grabbed the paper from her and used a pen to make the 30 into an 80.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She tried taking the paper back, but I just pushed her off.

"What?" I glared at her, sliding the paper back into the pile, "You're not gonna snitch are you."

She stayed silent and I knew the longer I kept my glare on, the longer I would scare her. "I-I guess I won't..."

I laughed to myself and patted her on the head like a dog, "Good girl."

As I reached for the door knob, it flew open and a teacher was on the other side. "Thank you for your help, Park Joy. You should go home now, you helped so much."

"Ah, ok. Thank you. I'm happy to help." She quickly passed me to get out of the room and bowed to her teacher before leaving. She looked like she was trying to get away from me as fast as she could.

"And Taehyung, just put these things in the recycling bin and you'll be done for the day." The teacher dumped a pile of newspapers into my hands and I scoffed as I walked outside to the recycling bin. My eyes fell on the front page of the newspaper and I recycled the rest, keeping the first one to myself.

"The Park Family: Instant Millionaires. Pictured above Park Donghyuk with wife Park Surin and their daughter Park Joy." I read the article about this family who recently won the lottery, but was interested me the most was Joy. The teacher called that girl Park Joy, right? And this girl in the picture looks like her. Hmm.

When I got home, I saw my brother, Joon, in a suit like he was getting ready to leave.

"Hey dipshit, where you going." I said, knowing that it would annoy him.

He ignored my insult and grabbed his keys. "Meeting with the creditors again today. Telling them to extend the debt date."

"Hm, well you better do something because they keep calling the house."

"At least I'm doing something to get us out of dad's debt. Now I'm late. Don't fuck up anything while I'm gone."

"Bye, love you." I smiled sarcastically as he left and got into his car.

Since I was young, I never had to worry about money. My dad was the CEO of a marketing company that he founded and that's how we became rich. It wasn't until he died last year that Joon and I found out how much debt he had from starting up his company. It was going to take a hell of a long time to pay it off and the creditors (or as I like to refer to them as the mafia--which they really aren't, but it's more fun to say it that way) keep threatening to take away our house and basically everything else if we don't pay them back.

No one but Joon and I know about the debt and we were gonna keep it that way. I was not gonna let people find out about this.

I looked at the newspaper that I tossed onto the table and looked at Joy's picture again. "She could be useful for something."


ch 1 might have been boring sorry. pls keep reading for juicy shit

started march 18, 2016

rich youth | kim taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now