chapter 9: sick

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"Did you know that Joy took Taehyung with her on a family trip?" Sowon gossiped to Jungkook during class. "She told me that her parents really like him."

"They just started going out. Isn't it too early to go on trips together?" Jungkook would still get annoyed every time he heard Taehyung's name. He never liked him because of the reputation he had around school and since Joy was Sowon's best friend, he was looking out for her best interests. "Where's Joy today anyway?"

"She told me she got sick."

After school, Jungkook walked through the halls, waiting for Sowon to finish with her clubs. He turned a corner and saw Taehyung talking to a girl. He leaned in and listened to their conversation.

"Maybe we can do something later tonight? I'm free." The girl ran her fingers through Taehyung's hair. Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung to push her hand away, but he didn't. He just went along with it.

"My place or yours?"

The girl giggled and walked away teasingly, "What about I just text you later?"

Once she was gone, Taehyung turned around and stopped when Jungkook stood right in front of him. "Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Do you know where Joy is right now." Jungkook demanded.

Taehyung just shrugged.

"She's at home, sick. Sowon and I are going to visit her. You're her boyfriend. You should be checking up on her instead of flirting with other girls." Jungkook almost couldn't hold in how angry he was. He hated how careless the guy treated his relationship. He wouldn't never treat Sowon the way Taehyung was treating Joy.

"I was not flirting with other girls."

"I'm not an idiot! I heard you just now! A guy like you doesn't deserve Joy."

"Jungkook~ are you ready to go?" Sowon jogged up to her boyfriend and didn't realized the heated situation he was in right now. She noticed the frown on his face and saw Taehyung standing to her right.

"Let's go visit Joy." Jungkook grabbed her hand and didn't bother to look at Taehyung as they left.

"Thanks for visiting me guys. And thanks for the banana milk." Joy sat up in her bed weakly and sipped on the milk.

"No problem. How are you feeling?" Sowon felt Joy's forehead with the back of her hand and she was burning up.

"Really sick." Joy answered with a cough.

"Has Taehyung check up on you at all today?" Jungkook questioned.

Joy looked at her phone and shook her head when she didn't get any new messages. "Mmm no."

"I saw him talking with another girl today. I don't think he's going to visit you at all. He's going to go out with someone else."

Sowon snapped her head to Jungkook, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure. I heard every single word."

"B-but maybe you just misunderstood." Joy blinked in disbelief, "Taehyung...I don't think..."

"I really don't like him. He acts so suspicious."

"When you get to know him, you'll realize that he's such a nice person. I hope that you'll be able to see that because I really like him---"

"You must be deranged to like that guy. He's a dick and you'll just believe anything he'll tell you."

"Jungkook..." Sowon grabbed her boyfriend's arm and held it warningly. Even though she agreed with what he was saying, she would have probably said it in a more gentle way, knowing how her best friend is a little sensitive.

"What? She deserves to know the truth." Jungkook  practically raised his voice at Sowon, causing Joy to step in.

"Thank you again for visiting me. I really appreciate it." Joy's eyes looked into Jungkook's and then Sowon's and Sowon nodded. "I think I'm feeling a little tired though so..."

"Yeah sure, we'll be leaving now. I hope you get better Joy." Sowon said calmly and kept a tight hold on Jungkook as they left her room.

After her friends left, Joy tucked herself back into bed and stared at her phone. Still no texts or calls from Taehyung. She thought it was a little conceited to expect him to text her or visit her, but most girls would feel really special if their boyfriend went out of their way to see if their girlfriend was feeling okay.

She didn't want to believe what Jungkook had said about Taehyung. He was not the type of guy to cheat. He wouldn't go behind her back and make plans with another girl while she was sick in bed.

Would he?

The thing is, Jungkook wouldn't lie to her either. He had no reason to make up lies about Taehyung.

So, was he telling the truth?

Joy's head started to hurt from thinking about this situation. She thought she was probably over thinking. Her headache became almost unbearable and took a nap, hoping to feel better when she wakes up.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

Joy peaked out from under her blankets and thought she was hallucinating for moment. Taehyung was sitting near the edge of her bed and brushing her hair out of her face.

"Taehyung? Are you really here? How did you get in?"

"Your mom opened the door for me. I heard you were sick. I hope it's nothing too serious." He spoke to her in a baby voice that was cute and soothing. Joy leaned her face into Taehyung's hand that was caressing her face and placed her hand on top of his.

"I didn't think you were coming to visit me..."

"Of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't visit my sick girlfriend?"

Joy slowly sat up, with help from Taehyung and held his hands. She contemplated whether she should confront him about what Jungkook said earlier. "...Didn't you have other plans tonight?"

"Plans?" He looked at her with confusion, "Like what?"

"Um well Jungkook told me that you were planning to go out with someone else tonight and I uh...I wasn't sure if that was true or not..."

Taehyung stared at Joy blankly, trying to mask his anger. If Jungkook wasn't one of Joy's friend, he would've beaten his ass. "Oh that! He must have heard me talk to my classmate. We're doing a project together and we were deciding whether we should start it tonight."

"Oh I see." Joy suddenly perked up, feeling more relieved. She looked to her side and noticed a balloon bouquet and a stuffed bear sitting on her desk. "Are those for me?"

Taehyung looked over his shoulder and chuckled, "Yeah, I wanted to make you feel better." He walked over and picked up the teddy bear, handing it to Joy. She happily hugged it and rested her head against the soft material.

She was so lucky to have a boyfriend like Kim Taehyung.



(btw Chen's OST "Everytime" is some good shit)

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