chapter 17: sincerity

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"Here's your ramen~" Joy brought a bowl of noodles to the living room and held up the spoon to Taehyung's mouth.

"Joy, thanks but it's fine, I can do it." Taehyung took the spoon out of Joy's hand and tried to feed himself. "I don't want you feeling sorry for me."

"Don't be so stubborn, just shut up and let me help."

"My hand isn't broken." Taehyung ate the noodles, and whimpered when pulling the spoon out of his mouth, "It was really hot..."

Joy smiled at Taehyung's pouty face and placed her hand on his cheek, making sure not to hurt him. "How cute. I'll go get you some water." Joy stood up from the couch, but Taehyung held her hand and she landed back on the couch.

"You don't have to do all this. Just sit here with me." He placed the bowl of noodles down and kissed Joy's forehead.

"Here. I got you this medicine." Joon entered the house and sighed when he saw Joy. "Oh you're here."

Taehyung felt Joy's grip on his arm loosen up as she distanced herself away from him. He knew that Joy was intimidated by his older brother so he hugged her with his free arm, sending comforting words into her ear. "Joon's always in a bad mood, he likes you, trust me."

"Your brother hates me." Joy mumbled. She knew that Joon didn't like her the moment he saw her, but now she feels even more burdened for being the cause of Taehyung's injury.

"Why does it matter if my brother likes you or not? I like you." He patted Joy's head and kissed her temple. "But I guess you can tell him that you made ramen. He really likes that."

Joy nodded hopefully and turned around to see Joon hanging his jacket in the cabinet, "Joon, I made ramen, would you like some?"

Joon immediately turned around once he heard the word 'ramen,' "Really? Alright, thanks."

Joon shrugged and followed Joy into the kitchen as she put some soup into a bowl. Joon ate it happily and thanked her again for making it.

As he was finishing his food in the kitchen, Joy headed back to the couch and cheerfully plopped down into the seat, "I think Joon is warming up to me."

Joy excused herself for a moment and went into the bathroom. She found the box of bandaids in the cabinet and took one that fit the size of her cut.

She removed the older bandaid on her cheek and saw a lot of dried blood on it. At that moment, the door swung open and Joy gasped.

"Oh sorry I--why didn't you lock the door??" Taehyung exclaimed.

"I forgot. I was just looking for bandaids anyway." Joy turned back to the mirror and wet a tissue under the sink.

Before Joy could grab the new bandaid, Taehyung was already peeling it open and gestured for her to turn her cheek. "That looks like it hurts." He commented as he placed the bandage on for Joy. He felt bad that she still got hurt even when he tried to save her.

"I'm sure it's nothing compared to your injuries," Joy said, pointing to Taehyung's wrapped up arm and the bruises on his face.

Taehyung held Joy's waist and propped her up on the sink counter. He placed his hands on her thighs and his touch tickled her skin. He wouldn't look into her eyes, and rather, just stared at the white counter top.

Sensing how tense he was, Joy comfortingly placed her hands on Taehyung's shoulders. "You ok?"

"I'm sorry for not acting like the best boyfriend."

Joy was about to reply, but instead she just sighed. She blinked down at the small crease forming on Taehyung's face. His hands moved up and down her thighs and then hugged her waist. It was as if for the first time, she heard his voice sound so sincere and gentle.

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