chapter 12: jelly baby

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[Joy's POV]

"That's the girl I saw Taehyung flirting with before." Jungkook pointed immediately after Taehyung passed by, with a girl whom I've never seen, wrapped around his arm.

"That must be his project partner." I clutched the strap of my backpack as I watched the two leave the building together, looking very friendly.

"Or his fuck buddy."

I clutched my straps even harder and tried to say something to defend Taehyung, but Jimin stepped in and changed the subject. "Alright is everyone ready to go? I've been craving bingsoo since the bell rang."

After spending time with Jimin and Jungkook after school, the two headed to their houses and Sowon came over to mine.

"Sowon, why does Jungkook hate Taehyung so much?" I asked her as she laid down on my bed. I noticed her tense up for a bit and then sit back up to face me. She was making some sort of face that looked like something was bothering her.

"I'm actually not such of a big fan of Taehyung either, but you already know that."

"I thought that your feelings could have probably changed once he became my boyfriend."

"The fact that he's your boyfriend makes me hate him even more actually. I don't think he acts like a good boyfriend."

That night, I sent Taehyung a good night text, something that we usually do. But he didn't reply to any of my messages.

[Taehyung's POV]

We went over to her place because she said her parents are never home. I preferred not to go over to my house because if Joon was there, that would definitely bring down the mood.

Once she unlocked her door, I slammed her into the wall and she locked the door behind her. With Joy, I doubt she would let me make out with her like this. But with other girls, they didn't mind how rough I treated them.

I carried her to her bedroom and tossed her on the bed. I teasingly untied her ribbon on her shirt and unbuttoned her top. I attacked her neck, causing her to arch her back from the bed. She moaned my name into my ear and I've hardly done anything yet.

Her hands gripped my hair and she managed to flip our positions. Before I could even laugh, her lips attached to mine. Her lips traveled to my neck but I grabbed her cheeks, making her face me. "Just one rule. That area is off limits."

She smirked at me and crawled back up, "Are you afraid you'd get caught by your girlfriend?"

I lifted my eyebrow, not expecting Hyemin to bring up Joy. Then it hit me, she would probably tell everyone that we hooked up and that I'm a cheater. This is not how I intend to make Joy jealous.

I intend to keep this part a secret, and just get Joy jealous by ignoring her for a day or something. I pushed Hyemin's arms away from me and was about to push her off as well but a small laugh escaped her lips and she kissed me again.

Her hands made their way to the button on my pants and slowly undid them, "It's ok, I won't tell if you won't."

[Joy's POV]

I tried putting in the combination to my locker, but nothing I did worked. My mind was still occupied with what Jungkook said about Taehyung and Hyemin yesterday. He's always accusing of Taehyung cheating on me and it's hard not to believe him. Hyemin is way prettier than I am. She's Taehyung's type of girl, not me.

"Hi Joy, what's up?" I looked to my side and I see Jimin catching up to me. He wore his usual friendly smile--the smile that made me fall for him when I first met him.

"Nothing," I shook my head, "Just thinking."

"Ah I it about what Jungkook said yesterday?"

"How did you know?"

"I just guessed. Don't worry too much about what he says. Jungkook's dumb sometimes," Jimin laughed and patted my back.

"I can't help but worry...You saw the girl Taehyung was with yesterday. She's way prettier than I am."

"I don't know if my opinion matters that much, but I think you're prettier than her." Jimin leaned closer to me and whispered, "Besides, she kinda looks like a hoe."

I laughed pretty hard even though I shouldn't have. Jimin patted my back again and just told me not to worry too much about it.

I wanted to thank Jimin for bringing back into a good mood, but it was hard once Taehyung walked by us. He walked ahead of us and glanced over his shoulder, glaring at Jimin and I.

"Do you wanna go talk to him?" Jimin asked me.

"I-I guess I should." I said goodbye to Jimin and followed after Taehyung. I walked right beside him but he didn't seem to have noticed me. "Hi Taehyung."

"Oh," He gave me a quick glance, "You're done talking with Jimin?"

" there a problem with me talking to him?"

"Hm, no." He answered shortly.

"O...kay? By the way, I texted you last night but I guess you weren't able to reply to my messages?"

"Gosh Joy, you know, I can't be constantly checking my phone. I have a life."

Why is Taehyung acting so moody with me? "Of course I know that, but I just---"

"There's Hyemin," He pointed to the girl from yesterday standing by the water fountain, "I'm gonna walk with her to class. See you later."

And then he left me standing there by myself. He walked up to Hyemin and greeted her cheerfully, unlike the way he did to me. He even offered to hold her books. He's never done that to me. Why is Taehyung acting like this?

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