Chapter 5: Princess

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[Joy's POV]

"So let me try to wrap my head around're telling me that as of this morning, you are going out with Kim Taehyung??"

Hmmm. When I was thinking of how I was going to tell Sowon, I imagined she would be more overdramatic, so the way she was acting now seemed pretty calm.  

"Y-yeah, I know it's kind of sudden--"

"Hell yeah it's sudden."

"But when I'm around him, I feel like I get to see a side of him that other people don't get the see. A side that he doesn't show to most people. The fact that he's able to act that way around me, makes me feel special. And I like him."

"Are you sure you're not just struck or something? OR is he blackmailing you into dating him?"

"No it's nothing like that. He's really genuine."

"I don't know, it's just weird. A few days ago he had no idea you existed and now he's your freakin boyfriend for god's sakes."

"I know. Taehyung is just more...straightforward than other guys. But I actually admire that."


"It's such a nice day today, let's go have lunch outside--" I was about to pick up my lunch, but was distracted by some squealing coming from the front of the room.

"Oh, your boyfriend's here." Sowon said flatly. The girls in the class whispered to each other as they caught sight of Taehyung.

"WHAT? Kim Taehyung is Joy's boyfriend?? Since when??" Jungkook gawked as Taehyung poked his head into the classroom, searching around until his gaze landed on me.

He smiled and walked right up to my desk. "Hey princess, let's spend lunch together."

I widened my eyes at his words, some of my classmates gasped, but the sounds were overpowered by Sowon who was coughing uncontrollably and I swear I heard her mumble 'you've got to be kidding me.'

"Sowon and Jungkook..." I tried to say that I was planning to eat lunch with them, but the rest of my sentence just couldn't come out. The way his lips moved when he called me princess and the way he looked into my eyes...I could have melted on the spot.

"Sorry, is it alright, if I take her with me for today?" Taehyung placed his hands on my shoulders and looked past me to ask for Sowon and Jungkook's permission.

"Are you really her boyfriend?" Jungkook blurted out.

I noticed Taehyung's smile falter and turn into a glare momentarily? I could have been mistaken. "Yes. Is that a problem?"

All of our classmates were looking at us and I felt like I had to break the tension, "You guys, just for today, is it ok if I eat with Taehyung? We wouldn't want to bother you two anyway."

"I'll have her back by curfew. Swear." Taehyung said sarcastically, which made me frown a bit. I was afraid his attitude was going to make the situation worse. Without waiting for a reply from Sowon or Jungkook, Taehyung took my hand and walked out of the classroom.

"Taehyung, don't you think you kind of drew a lot of attention back there?" I asked as he tugged me along.

"Sorry about that, princess. I just wanted to be able to spend time with you." Taehyung turned his head back to look at me, his lips pinching up at the sides.

He said 'princess' again and this time I melted subtly.

[Taehyung's POV]

I didn't originally plan to ever spend time with her during school, but I thought that it would enhance the effect of being a couple. I didn't know her friends were annoying little fucks though.

"Taehyung, where are we eating?" She whined--ok maybe she didn't whine but I was already annoyed by hearing everyone else's voices today. "We passed the outdoor tables."

"Don't worry princess, I'm taking you to my secret spot." I kept calling her princess on the way here because I momentarily forgot her name. But she looked like she likes it so I guess I could go with it.

I brought her to the garden behind the school that no one goes to because no one knows it exists. When I told her that she was the only girl that I have ever brought here, she looked at me with puppy eyes and linked onto my arm, claiming how romantic the scenery is.

Well I did bring a few girls back here before because it's the most private place on campus, which means we wouldn't get caught for anything that we do back here.

We sat on a bench and she took out her food from her lunchbox. I laughed because no one in high school brings a lunchbox anymore, she looked like a grade schooler. (a/n* if u used a lunchbox in high school, it's cool cos I did too LOL)

"I brought this for you. I wasn't sure if I was able to visit you in your classroom, but well, I guess it's a good thing you came to mine?" She shyly handed me a wrapped sponge cake and I took it from her. Thanking her for being so sweet and everything.

"I'm lucky to have such a cute girlfriend like you." I complimented, tapping my index finger on her lip.

"I um, I also got you one more thing..." She pulled out a small pink envelope from her skirt pocket and gave it to me. I opened it and saw a gift card to a store in the mall. "It's a gift card to the store with really cool electronics and I don't know, I thought you would like it. I'm sorry...I just wasn't really sure what to give you...well I'm not even sure if I was supposed to give you anything at all and now you probably think I'm really weird for doing that um--"

"It's fine. Thank you." I stopped her from blabbering and held her hand. "You just proved how lucky I am."

She blushed and to seal the deal, I started leaning in to kiss her. She probably wasn't expecting it because she sat frozen as I got closer and closer to her. My lips just barely brushed hers before she slapped her hand over her mouth. I ended up kissing her hand.

I pulled away, looking down at her mouth that was still covered. She cleared her throat and began talking about how nice the weather is.


do u guys know the boy group KNK? bc im in luv with them

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