chapter 8: saipan

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Just a reminder, Taehyung is an asshole in the first few chapters bc that's part of the plot. im so sorry LOL

[Taehyung's POV]

I dropped her off at her house again and she eagerly took off our helmets and kissed me. Well I guess she's loosening up a little bit.

"Thanks for taking me home again." She hugged my neck and kissed my cheek.

I moved her arms and held her hands, "Why are you so happy today?"

She smiled excitedly and squeezed my hands, "Um I was wondering if tomorrow night, you can come over and I can introduce you to my parents."

Oh fuck, not this.

"I really can't wait to show them who my boyfriend is."

I laughed nervously and scrunched my face, "I don't really think I'm the kind of guy parents are excited to meet." I guess if they ask about my grades and my school record, I can just lie, but Joy knows the truth so I won't be able to fake that I'm a genius or anything.

"So you don't want to go?" Her arms draped over my shoulders in disappointment and the smile she wore faded away.

"Don't get me wrong. I'd love to meet your parents." I hugged her waist close to me and smiled against her lips, "Anything for you."

[the next day]

I was looking at myself in the mirror trying to tie this stupid cloth into a bow. Joy made this sound like a big special event and implied that I should wear a suit and tie.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Joon came down the stairs and laughed at my attire.

"A suit. What does it look like?" I glared in his direction. "I'm meeting her family today."

"Don't screw it up."

"I won't. I've written down a script that I could recite to them. If they ask about our family, I'll say dad's dead, mom works abroad, and you're an accountant."

"An accountant..." Joon nodded, "Nice."

I brought flowers. Of course, to make a good impression. When she opened the door, she squealed as I handed her the flowers.

"You look so handsome." She grabbed my shoulders and stared admiringly at me.

"You look so beautiful." To be honest, she just looked only slightly different than usual. She put an effort into putting on makeup and this is the first time I've seen her wearing something other than her school uniform.

"My parents are waiting inside, let's go meet them." She held the bouquet in one hand and linked arms with the other. Leading me to the dining room, it looked like they hired a staff to prepare a meal for this occasion.

"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Kim Taehyung."

"It's very nice you meet you. I couldn't wait to meet Joy's parents." I bowed and shook her father's hand, then her mother's.

"So you're the guy our daughter keeps talking about." Her mother said.

"Mom!" Joy whined and held her cheeks.

"Why don't we take our seats, our staff has prepared something special for us tonight." Joy's dad gestured and everyone took their seats.

Within a few minutes, I've won them over with my eloquent speaking and list of impressive extracurriculars that I don't actually do. We've made small talk and exchanged jokes, and they seem like really nice people. Very nice and very naive people.

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