chapter 20: guilt

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[Kim Taehyung}

I had a day off work so I was finally able to hang out with Joy again. We were at her house and she was resting on my shoulder when I got a phone call. "Hello?" I answered.

"We're expecting the payment today." The voice I recognized belonging to Namjoon said. How did he even get my number??

I removed my arm from Joy and switched my phone to my other ear. "What are you talking about? I already gave it to you last time."

"Is something wrong?" Joy looked at me worriedly and I had to get off the couch.

"No, it's just Joon. Just hold on a second, I'll be back." I stepped outside the house and could hear Namjoon getting impatient on the other line.

"That was last time. I'm calling about this time."

"H-how do I even get the money to you?"

"We meet."

"Wait what? But I---"  He hung up. I accidentally pounded on the door out of frustration, and Joy came out to check on me.

"Did something happen between you and your brother?" She asked, holding my hand and pulling me back into her house.

"Nah it's fine, he's just being annoying as always. Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, can you get your textbook and you can attempt to teach me how to answer the chemistry questions?"

"Mkay." Joy nodded and skipped down the hall to another room. I waited until I heard the sound of a door close to go upstairs. I went into her parents' room and went straight into the walk-in closet. I was already way too familiar with all the corners of the house. I know that on the right side is where they hide fifty dollar bills inside several purses, and the left side is where the hundred dollar bills are hidden inside jewelry boxes.

Going to the left side and opened a drawer, grabbing a jewelry box. I crumpled a couple of bills and just stuffed them into my pocket. I fixed the room so it looked like no one was in here. I got what I knew I had to get and I headed back downstairs to join Joy.

Placing my hand on the door knob, I tried to shake off all the guilt before entering the room. I didn't want her asking me "what's wrong?" "are you ok?" or else I might actually crack and tell her that everything is wrong and I'm not ok.

During the entire time, I just zoned out and couldn't hear anything else but my own thoughts. It wasn't until I felt my own palms getting sweaty that I snapped back into reality.

Joy was holding my right hand as she wrote with the other. Suddenly, she released her hand from mine and playfully wiped it on my shirt. "What? Am I making you nervous or something?" She joked.

I cleared my throat and got up from the seat. "I'm sorry, I have to leave a little early today."

"Oh," She made a sad face and it made me feel even more guilty. "Alright."

I headed straight out the door, I couldn't describe how uncomfortable I was starting to feel in her house and I wanted to leave as soon as possible,  but Joy pulled me back by my sweater. "Are you not going to say bye?" She let out a small laugh and hugged my neck.

When she stepped back, I just hugged her again and kissed her.

I stopped kissing her and just leaned my forehead against hers, keeping my eyes tightly shut. "Joy, I want to say something, and I think it's really important that I tell you now because if I wait then...ok I'll just say it. So, in the past I know that I've already told you that I like you, but I want you to know that from now on I really mean it. Like really  mean it. And I hope you never doubt me when I say it because you're the only girl that I've ever fallen for and I'm sorry this is really fucking lame I just--."

Joy stared at Taehyung and laughed while pinching his cheeks. "You're so weird. But it's ok, because I really like you too."

He stared into her eyes, full of seriousness. "I mean it."

"Well I hope you do, because you are my boyfriend sooooo." Joy said nonchalantly.

I gave one last sigh and nod before pulling away from Joy. Of course she could still act so nonchalantly when she has no clue what I've  been doing behind her back. "I'm sorry...I have to go now. I'll text you before I go to sleep."

I didn't expect for Namjoon and Jin to tell me to meet them in a hotel lobby. I was sitting in one of the couches when I saw them come through the revolving door. I thought these type of guys usually meet in a sketchy alley or a run down apartment or something.

"You actually showed up." Namjoon said, taking the seat in front of me.

"Did I have a choice?"

"No." Namjoon chuckled. It made me wince the way he could laugh at someone's expense.

"So where's the money." Jin said impatiently, holding his hand out.

I unzipped my bag and handed them an envelope. Jin took it out and started counting it. "Where did you get this money?"

"I have a job, remember? You stalked me the other day."

"You can't make this much working that job. You're getting your girlfriend to help you out, aren't you?" Namjoon stared with a satisfied smirk.

"No. I don't have a girlfriend and I earned that money." Their eyes were intimidating me, but I knew that if I looked away, they would sense that I was scared.

"Well then, good job." Namjoon said simply and patted his jacket once he stood up, "I guess you and your brother are free to go."

"Wait. What do you mean 'free to go.' You mean that's it? We're done paying off the debt?"

"Consider yourself lucky."





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