chapter 25: emotionless

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[Joy's POV]

"Good news. We texted your boyfriend so he may or may not come to save you." Namjoon smirked.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief. But I was still scared. If Taehyung comes here, will Namjoon and Jin do something to him?

"How do you think we should greet him when he comes?" Jin said, rubbing his right hand over his knuckles.

"It depends if he comes with the money or not." Namjoon shrugged.

I puffed my cheeks and tried to speak up. It's been a while since I've said anything because I took a vow of silence as long as I'm here. "Please don't hurt him."

Jin knelt down and patted my head, smiling. "You're such a sweet girlfriend. It's a shame, really. What Taehyung does behind your back."

There they go again, saying that about Taehyung...

"What do you mean..." I was afraid to know the answer.

"Well Taehyung and his brother couldn't afford to pay us back. So they came up with another way to get us our money. By using you."

My breath hitched now the two were almost laughing at my reaction.

"He was stealing money from your family so that he could send it to us...that was probably the only reason why he started going out with you in the first place."

I shook my head. I couldn't believe that. I don't think Taehyung would ever do something like that.

"You still don't believe us? He even transferred money from your family's bank account to ours." Namjoon showed my his phone screen, there was a transaction from my dad's account to his for a couple thousand dollars.

"It's possible that he won't come to save you. I mean, why would he risk his life for someone he doesn't even love, someone that he's just been using this whole time." Jin grinned. I wanted them to stop saying those things, they kept going on so they could make me cry. Just so they could amuse themselves.

"Tell us Joy," Namjoon crossed his arms, "Has he ever told you that he loves you?"

"He probably said that to get more money out of you." Jin added.

Everything is a lie. Our whole relationship was a lie. He never cared about me. He just wanted to use me for my money.

My head was spinning--it could have been from malnutrition, but it mostly came from everything that Namjoon and Jin were revealing to me. I kind of felt like I wanted to throw up, just almost.

"Hm, she's not crying." Jin noted. "I expected her to cry."

I glared up at them through my hair and huffed. I was not going to cry over Taehyung. I didn't feel like crying. I just felt numb.

[Taehyung's POV]

As soon as Namjoon texted me where he was keeping Joy, I drove straight to the hotel and got off on the floor that they were on. I found the room and just ran and banged on the door. "Open the fucking door!"

"Oh, I guess we have a visitor." I heard hear Namjoon say from the inside. The doorknob turned and right when the door opened, I grabbed him by his collar.

"How dare you kidnap her! I swear if you touched her I---"

"Calm down. She's fine. She's right here." Namjoon pushed me off of him and stepped aside, revealing Joy.

I stopped breathing momentarily when I saw her. They had her tied up to a chair and she had cuts on her thigh and arm. She looked a little dazed but I could tell she knew that I was here. But she wouldn't look at me.

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