chapter 29 (a): happiness

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+chapter 29 alternate version (a)+

[Taehyung's POV]

Up until the court date, Joon and I were on house arrest. They placed a bracelet on our ankles and the police would be notified if we tried to leave the house.

I passed by Joon's bedroom which was slightly open. I saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his head in his hands. Ever since we started with our house arrest, he barely spoke to me. I think he was just as scared as I was. We both know what would happen the day of the court date. We would be announced guilty and both get thrown in jail and ---oh my god. I couldn't think about that right now.

Going back into my room, I picked at the ankle bracelet. If you google 'how to take off an ankle bracelet,' there are actually some useful links...

The thing came off easily and I quietly left the house, not letting Joon know anything. I decided that I was going to walk to Joy's house because if I used my motorcycle, the whole neighborhood would hear it.

I climbed up a tree that led to her bedroom window. The light was on in her room and the window was open too so her sheer curtains were flowing, showing her sitting on her bed, reading.

I took my phone out and called her. An automatic voice immediately came on saying that my number has been blocked. I grabbed onto the tree tightly and leaned forward, taking a risk and whispering her name. "Joy."

I heard her gasp and she shut her book, looking around her room.

"Joy." I called her name again.

She jumped out of her bed and ran towards the door, "MOM, DAD!"

"No wait!" I hissed, "It's me, Taehyung..."

She approached the window slowly and timidly pushed the curtains aside. We were able to fully see each other now and her face looked shocked more than anything. After staring at me for five seconds, she tried to close the window.

"No no hold on! I really need to talk to you."

She stared at me soullessly and attempted to close the window again. And at that moment I just jumped in through her window. I initially wanted her permission, but then I went out on a whim.

"Get out of my house. You're not supposed to be here. I'm calling the police." Her voice shook as she spoke and she ran to her bed to grab her phone.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me, "No please don't call the police, I just wanted to see you."

"Then go on instagram."

"You blocked me."

She let out a frustrated sigh and started pushing me towards the window, "I don't want you here."

I turned around, stopping her from pushing me to leave and I hugged her. She pounded on my chest and moved around violently to make me let go, but I wouldn't.

"Let go of me. No matter what you say, I will never forgive you. Is that the reason why you came here? You want me to forgive you and magically everything will go back to the way it used to be?"

"I just...I just want to hold you."

She didn't respond. She just stood still with a frown on her face that I thought was cute and I wanted to kiss her so badly.

"I would rather kill myself than have things continue the way things are between us. It's so hard waking up and realizing that you no longer love me and that it's all my fault. Honestly, killing myself seems like a better option." I sighed as I saw her reaction.

Her eyes fell to the floor and she stopped frowning. When her eyes met back with mine again, she spoke. "Then do it."

"You want me to do it?" I asked.

"You're already dead to me anyway."

My hands moved from her shoulders to her cheeks and I cupped her face, moving my thumb along her skin and wiped a tear that fell. As far as I know, she hasn't cried over anything that has happened at all. She was being strong, even now when she looked surprised to feel the teardrop running down her face.

"Do you really mean it when you say that you no longer feel anything for me?"

Joy sighed and looked away, "Taehyung...just stop. Leave me alone. Go back home."

"You didn't answer my question."

"How can I love someone who was just playing with my feelings? I believed every lie that you told me and I was so gullible then, but now I just won't believe anything you say."

I shook my head, "I know that you still love me as much as I love you. If you didn't, you would have pushed me away by now." I was still cupping her face and holding her close to me. Her hands were on my chest and were slightly gripping the front of my shirt.

Her breathing was unstable and she gripped my shirt even tighter. I lifted her chin so that she could look at me. I was slowing pulling her closer to me and her lips trembled. Our lips just barely touched before she shook her head and pushed me away.

"I loved you. But it was the 'fake' Taehyung that I loved. Now that I know who you really are--"

"I'm not lying anymore! How many times do I have to say it until you believe me? Why are you so stubborn?!"

Her jaw dropped slightly after I raised my voice at her. I shouldn't have done that. She hasn't even forgiven me and here I was yelling at her. I'm so stupid.

"Joy! Jimin's here to pick you up!" Her mom called from down stairs.

"Taehyung. You seriously have to leave now." She turned me around and pushed me towards the window.

"Are you with him now?"

"Go home." She pushed me again but I grabbed her wrist.

"You don't actually like him. You're just using him to try to get over me."

She scoffed and snatched her hand back. "You know, that's what everyone keeps saying. That I'm only with Jimin because I'm using him as a rebound. But it's not true. I've liked him for a long time and to be honest, even when you and I were 'together' I still had small feelings for him..."

I let go of her wrist and my hands fell to my side. "You kept denying it. But I knew you did."

"Yeah and I felt so bad about it because I didn't want to like someone else while I was with you but...I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

"Joy! Jimin is waiting!" Her mom called out again.

"Don't let anyone see you leaving." Was the last thing Joy said to me before shutting her window.

I climbed back down the tree and stayed hidden until Joy left. Jimin's car was parked in the front so I couldn't leave yet.

He had his arm around her as he led her to the car and she gave him a quick kiss. I watched him get into the driver's seat and it took all the strength in me to not run up to him and kick his ass but I couldn't. Jimin didn't do anything wrong at all. He was Joy's new source of happiness.


a/n  this title is misleading ha

flashback to the first time jiminnie showed up in the book and joy still kind of like him-ish. I decide to include that into this and yup here it is ,') 

sorry if joy is now perceived as a shady hoe but taehyung is also a shady hoe

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