chapter 29 (b): stay

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+chapter29 alternate version (b)+

[Taehyung's POV]

Up until the court date, Joon and I were on house arrest. They placed a bracelet on our ankles and the police would be notified if we tried to leave the house.

I passed by Joon's bedroom which was slightly open. I saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his head in his hands. Ever since we started with our house arrest, he barely spoke to me. I think he was just as scared as I was. We both know what would happen the day of the court date. We would be announced guilty and both get thrown in jail and ---oh my god. I couldn't think about that right now.

I went back into my room and picked at the ankle bracelet. If you google 'how to take off an ankle bracelet,' there are actually some useful links...

I was able to take it off and quietly left the house, not letting Joon know anything. I decided that I was going to walk to Joy's house because if I used my motorcycle, the whole neighborhood would hear it.

I climbed up a tree that led to her bedroom window. The light was on in her room and the window was open too so her sheer curtains were flowing, showing her sitting on her bed, reading.

I took my phone out and called her. An automatic voice immediately came on saying that my number has been blocked. I grabbed onto the tree tightly and leaned forward, taking a risk and whispering her name. "Joy."

[Joy's POV]

I was reading on my bed when I started to hear a voice calling my name. At first I just thought I was imagining things when I looked around my room and saw nothing.

"Joy." The voice called my name again.

I jumped out of my bed and ran towards the door, "MOM, DAD!"

"No wait!" the voice said, "It's me, Taehyung..."

Taehyung? I realized that the sound was coming from the window and I slowly approached it, afraid to push aside the curtains. Once I moved them away, I saw Taehyung standing on the tree by my window. I wasn't sure what to think when I saw him. I was surprised but also angry at the fact that he thinks he can just come here. I stared at him for a few seconds before grabbing the handle and closing the window.

"No no hold on! I really need to talk to you."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at his pleading eyes, but then attempted to close the window again. And at that moment he just jumped in and I took a few steps back.

"Get out of my house. You're not supposed to be here. I'm calling the police." My voice shook and I ran to get my phone.

Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him, "No please don't call the police, I just wanted to see you."

"Then go on instagram." I responded coldly.

"You blocked me."

I let out a frustrated sigh and started pushing him towards the window, "I don't want you here."

He turned around, stopping me from pushing him and just...hugged me. I bit my lip and just pounded on his chest, moving around violently to make him let go, but he wouldn't. "Let go of me. No matter what you say, I will never forgive you. Is that the reason why you came here? You want me to forgive you and magically everything will go back to the way it used to be?"

"I just...I just want to hold you."

I stopped moving and bunched up my fists until my knuckles turned white.

"I would rather kill myself than have things continue the way things are between us. It's so hard waking up and realizing that you no longer love me and that it's all my fault. Honestly, killing myself seems like a better option."

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