chapter 11: jimin p.2

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Jimin met Joy by her locker after school and they both headed out together.

Sowon who was still grabbing her books was startled with Taehyung's sudden appearance.

"Who is that kid?"

"Jesus fucking kris. How about you not sneak up on me next time?" Sowon grabbed her chest and closed her locker. "That's our friend Jimin. He's in a different class." She started walking away from Taehyung and he was at a loss because people don't normally walk away from him that easily.

"W-wait," He ran up to her, "So who is he? Why does Joy seem so close to him?"

"Because she has a huge crush on him--or had, I don't know which it is anymore." Sowon enjoyed the shocked look in Taehyung's face.

"Well she obviously cant like him still. I'm her boyfriend now."

"Yeah you're right." Sowon said sarcastically, "That's why she was so nervous to be around him today and that's why she chose to hang out with him after school instead of you."

"It's not like he's her ex-boyfriend right?" Now Taehyung was getting worried.

"No. He was her first kiss though."

And now he was officially worried.

[Taehyun's POV]

"Bad news. I have some competition." I announced once I arrived home.

"What do you mean?" Joon asked.

"There's this other guy that Joy might like."

"So? You don't actually like her do you? It shouldn't matter."

"It does matter! If Joy likes this Jimin guy and not me, she'll break up with me and then we'll no longer have any access to her money."

Joon tilted his head and sighed in agreement, "I guess you have a point. Well you just can't let her like him. Easy."

"She looks like she likes him more than me. He was her first kiss. Psh, I didn't even think someone like her would have been kissed before."

"Just make sure she likes you more than that Jimin guy."

"What else am I supposed to do? I already act like the perfect boyfriend and I do everything with her. The only thing I haven't done is fuck her."

"--Well you already know she's not gonna give that up any time soon' so you gotta think of other options."

I thought for a bit and came up with an uncertain decision, "Do you think that if I get her jealous, it would make her want me even more?"

"Is she the jealous type?"

"Aren't all girls the jealous type?"

Joon laughed at my comment and gave me a shrug, "You can try it out I guess, there's a 50/50 chance that it would work."

"I think it'll work. She's always so desperate for me anyway."

Joon looked down at me with an annoyed expression, "You think too highly of yourself."

"Well I'm not lying. She admires me. Joy's kind of personal dog or a puppy I guess. Anyway, I don't have to make her jealous as long as she doesn't give me a reason to."

Joon snickered as he signed a check. Lately we've been paying off the debt in small increments and it's all thanks to me--well thanks to Joy technically, so I guess I should give her a little credit.

The next day, as expected, I saw Joy hanging around Jimin. They were grabbing breakfast together in the cafeteria and were eating at a two person table.

While I stood in the breakfast line, I observed the way Joy was acting around Jimin. Overall it looked like they were having a casual conversation, but when they both reached for napkins and their hands touch, Joy looked completely flustered pulled her hand away. Something a 13 year old would do.

Jimin grabbed a napkin and wiped something off of Joy's lips--ok I can't stand looking at this anymore. I left the line and marched up to their table, grabbing Joy's hand. "Hey I have something I wanted to show you."

She looked startled as I forced her up and apologized continuously to Jimin as I pulled her out of the cafeteria. "Taehyung, that was a little rude--"

I released my grip from her wrist and gently intertwined our fingers, followed by a light kiss on her cheek, "You're right. I forgot to say 'good morning.'"

As expected, she blushed and held her cheek. "N-no I didn't mean because you didn't greet me, but because you made me leave Jimin so abruptly."

"Oh...I'm sorry," I tried to put on my best innocent kitten face by looking at her with a small frown and pout, it looked like she was falling for it. "But I was just walking here this morning and I really wanted to show it to you."

She tilted her head to the side and hummed, "Well ok, where is it?"

I led her to the garden that no one else knows about and prayed that there was something interesting out there for me to show Joy. Saying that I had something to show her just came out of my mouth randomly so I could get her away from Jimin.

"Here it is, don't you think it's nice?" Luckily the cherry blossoms started blooming on the trees and with the light breeze, the petals were falling onto our heads.

"It's really nice. I didn't think you would appreciate stuff like this." Joy look up at the tree and watched the petals fall delicately.

I grabbed a flower mid-fall and placed it in her hair. I was on a roll with this romantic stuff.

Just before school ended, I got a text from Joy telling me that she's going somewhere with Sowon, Jungkook, and Jimin.

That fucking kid again.

Alright, if she's going to act like she's not interested in me then I have no choice but to play the jealousy card. If my plan works out, Joy will be so jealous and insecure that she will wish she had never ignored me. I went up to Hyemin once the bell rang and told her that we're hanging out today.

I walked out of the classroom with her and she was clinging onto my arm telling me that she was so sad that I haven't been responding to her texts. Um ok.

Down the hall I see Joy and her stupid friends. Jimin took the books out of Joy's hand and started holding them for her. He tries too hard.

Once I walked by with Hyemin, her group became silent and all you could hear was Hyemin's voice, "So should we go to your place or mine?"

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