chapter 28: moved on

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[3rd Person POV]

"You know the TV's not on, right?" Joon stood behind his brother who was sitting on the couch, staring blankly at a black TV screen.

"Mm." Taehyung mumbled in reply.

"Are you alright?"

"I don't...I don't know what to do. Joy will never forgive me. She doesn't talk to me, answer my texts, or even look at me."

"She's moved on."

"But I haven't. I apologize over and over again and I tell her that I really am in love with her and I'm not just acting, but she won't believe me. She thinks that I never actually liked her."

"I hate to say I told you so because you're looking really down right now. But you knew that things wouldn't be the same once she found out the truth."

[Taehyung's POV]

At school, I was still persistent. I spoke to her as she walked to class, but she wasn't listening to anything I was saying. When she saw Jimin down the hall, she just ran to him and they went to class together.

I was not going to give up. I was going to try talking to her everyday until I make things better. When I got to class, the teacher passed out papers for a quiz that I obviously didn't study for. I was struggling with deciding whether A or B was the right answer when the door opened.

"Is there something wrong?" The teacher asked as two people in police uniforms walked in.

I clutched my pencil as their eyes searched the classroom.

"We're here to take Kim Taehyung into custody."

I held my breath as all my classmates turned to look at me. The police officers walked up to my desk and told me to stand up. I slowly got up and was about to grab my bag to follow them out the door, but they turned me around and put hand cuffs on my wrists.

"You are under arrest for committing several felonies including identity theft and credit card fraud...." they were listing all of the things that I have done to try to pay back the creditors. Though I couldn't hear them anymore because it was as if everything became silent once they put hand cuffs on me.

They escorted me out of class and students peered out of their rooms to watch their classmate get arrested on school property. My eyes were focused straight ahead as they put me into the back of the cop car and drove down to the station.

I was informed that a similar situation had happened to Joon while he was at work. We were kept in different rooms for questioning and I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't beating out of my chest right now. I've never been arrested before, I've never even been to a police station. I wasn't even sure if they were going to let me see Joon.

I was in a room with an officer and he told me that Joy's father was pressing charges against Joon and I. Evidence found by the bank tracked Joon's laptop and saw the money withdrawn.

In a few days there was going to be a court hearing to which I was told to plead guilty because then the judge might be more lenient on my punishment. He was saying so many things to me at once and I found it hard to follow everything. I was still freaking out and couldn't think straight.

[Joy's POV]

"Alright, so what movie are we going to watch?" I plopped down on the seat right in the middle of Jimin and Sowon with a big bowl of popcorn and Jungkook reached over Sowon's body to grab a hanfull.

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