chapter 14: kisseu

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[Joy's POV]

"Didn't we just get patbingsoo yesterday? Why are we getting it again?" Jungkook noted as we grabbed a table at a bingsoo café.

"Because Jimin and I both like bingsoo," I turned to Jimin and we gave each other a high five. Since we had an even number of people at the table, we decided to share the dessert two to a bowl. "Jimin, can we get the green tea one?" I asked as we both looked at the menu.

"I was gonna ask the same thing." He said.

"Oh yay!" I cheered and closed the menu since we've decided what to order, "I'm glad we're sharing. Sowon doesn't like green tea anyway."

From the corner of  my eye I can see Sowon and Jungkook whispering something to each other and non-subtly pointing and Jimin and I, but I decided to ignore them.

"So Joy, do you really have a boyfriend? When can we meet him?" Yoongi asked after the waitress took our orders.

I rolled my eyes because the image of Hyemin sitting on Taehyung's desk popped into my head and I wanted to forget about him for today. "Yeah I guess, but what about you guys? Have you found girlfriends at university?"

"Every girl Hoseok tries to talk to runs away from him." Yoongi teased.

"That's NOT true." Hoseok huffed and punched Yoongi's arm. "What's your boyfriend's name, Joy?"

Ughhh why do they keep wanting to talk about Taehyung?????

"His name is Taehyung and he's an asshole." Jungkook intersected.

"C'mon Jungkook," Jimin reached across the table and tapped Jungkook's arm in disapproval.

"Do you know her boyfriend? Is he really an asshole?" Great, now Hoseok was asking Jimin.

Jimin gave me an unsure look and replied with, "I don't really know him."

When the waitress came back with our orders, everyone finally dropped the boyfriend subject and focused on their food. Before we ate, I pulled out my phone to take a picture. I put it in front so I would get Jimin, the bingsoo, and myself in the frame, but my arm was too short.

"Here, I can do it." Jimin took the phone from my hand and angled the phone up so we both be seen in the picture. He put up a peace sign and I made a kissy face towards the bingsoo.

I posted it on instagram with the caption 'with the love of my life...oh and jimin's here too.' I showed it to Jimin before I posted it and he laughed.

"You and your love of patbingsoo." Jimin sighed dramatically.

After finishing our dessert, Yoongi asked Jimin if we could all go to his house, he agreed, so that's where we were all headed.

We sat in Jimin's living room and I noticed Yoongi and Hoseok acting suspicious and whispering something to each other. I was the only one to notice them nodding their heads and giving each other a thumbs up.

"Hey you guys let's play truth or dare." Hoseok yelled out.

"You can't make Sowon do anything." Jungkook put his arm out in front of Sowon protectively and glared at his hyungs.

"Relax Jungkook, it's just for fun." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"It won't be weird right?" I had to ask to make sure. Yoongi and Hoseok would always have weird ideas.

"It'll be fun." Hoseok assured. But I was anything but assured at that moment. "Ok Jungkook first. Truth or dare."

"I know you guys would make me do something stupid so I'm going to say truth."

"Ok. Does Sowon know that you watch porn every night?"

Jimin and I both snapped our heads up to look at Jungkook's expression and then Sowon's. Jungkook obviously looked like he was going to murder Hoseok, and Sowon looked like she was going to murder Jungkook.

"I hope they don't try to kill each other in my house." Jimin whispered to me.

"You guys are fucked up." Jungkook lunged over to punch the two older guys in front of him, but Jimin held him back.

"You still didn't answer the question." Yoongi teased.

Jungkook hesitantly glanced over at his girlfriend and sighed when he saw her murderous glare. "Well..I guess now she knows...Ok, Yoongi, truth or dare."

"Dare." He answered confidently.

"I dare you to text Yuji that you still love her."

We all gasped in our small circle and waited for Yoongi's response. It's not like he had a choice though since he chose dare. He was still in shock too, I guess he didn't think he would have to text his ex-girlfriend that he still loves her. Yuji and Yoongi were a couple back when they were in high school, but she cheated on him and it didn't end very well.

"Is there a problem?" Jungkook smirked.

"No. There's no problem at all." Yoongi said through clenched teeth and took out his cellphone. He texted Yuji "I still love you" and showed it to us to prove that he wasn't lying, and then he clicked 'send.'

"This is not how the game was supposed to go," Yoongi muttered to Hoseok. "Ok now I get to choose. Jimin, truth or dare."

"Oh uh...tru...dare?"

"I dare you to kiss Joy."

"Oooooh scandalous." Sowon said softly and clapped her hands together.

"You guys..." I covered my face out of embarrassment.

"Yeah, you guys." I heard Jimin say.

"You can't not do it. You chose dare." Hoseok said this would be """fun""" I should have known to back out earlier.

"If you don't do it, you're gonna have to do something worse." Yoongi chimed in. "And Joy would have to do something weird too."

The moment I peaked out of my hands, Jimin's lips touched my cheek. He pulled away and I stared at him with that deer in headlights look.

"I'm sorry." He apologized with his eyes shut.

"That's not what we meant. You have to kiss her on the lips." Can someone shut Yoongi up??

"The sooner you do it, the sooner it will be over." And now Jungkook was joining in on the teasing.

I looked at Jimin and by the look on his face, I knew he didn't want to kiss me. "You guys, don't peer pressure him into---"

It was over in a nanosecond.

But he still kissed me either way.

The only thing you could hear after that was Sowon complaining that it was too short and she didn't even have time to get a picture.


*~*~*story time*~*~* The first impression I had of BTS was Jungkook, Jhope, and Jimin's Graduation Song and this was when I was still new to kpop and I was like wtf is this shit they look like little kids and they're tryna rap and be cool & it was so weird to me and I was really confused because they were acting all thug and cute at the same time & I was really intimidated by jhope bc I thot he was scary

oops :')

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