chapter 18: content

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a/n so im kinda do a triple update today???

"What happened to your face?" Jungkook commented rudely to Taehyung as he took a seat at the lunch table. If it was up to him, he would have sat somewhere else, but Sowon wanted to sit with Joy who happened to be with Taehyung.

Taehyung simply sighed at Jungkook's comment and Joy tried to communicate telepathically to Sowon to calm Jungkook down.

"I kinda ran in front of a car." Taehyung answered.

"Too bad it didn't kill you."

"I was crossing the street when a car was about to hit me. But then Taehyung ran out and pulled me out of the way.  The car swerved and ended up hitting Taehyung." Joy defended.

"I find it hard to believe that you would actually put your life in danger to save Joy." Jungkook scoffed.

"Jungkook," Sowon said, "Let's just---"

"I mean, he's been a bastard up til now. Why would he change all of a sudden?"

Taehyung looked down at the table for a few seconds before standing up. Sowon and Joy were afraid that he would be enticed to hit Jungkook. "Alright Joy, I'm gonna head to class a little early." He threw his backpack over his shoulder and left the lunchroom.

"Jungkook, you don't have to act like that. It's unnecessary." Sowon said disapprovingly.

"Are you on his side?" Jungkook frowned. "You know how he is."

"I-I know, but he ran in front of a car to save Joy. You see all the bruises and bandages on his face. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't care."

"Wait you guys." Joy stepped in. "I don't want you to fight over something like this. I'm going to talk to Taehyung again. I-I'll see you again in class..." Joy said goodbye and went to follow after Taehyung.

Joy went through the halls and peaked inside Taehyung's classroom and saw him sitting there by himself.

"Taehyung, don't you want to finish lunch together?" Joy walked in slowly and sat beside Taehyung's desk.

"So...your friends still hate me."

"W-well...why do you care so much if Jungkook likes you or not? I like you."

"Ha," He laughed bitterly, "Now I know how you feel when you want Joon to like you."

"You know, I still think you're the best boyfriend I've ever had." Joy said sweetly as she poked Taehyung's arm.

"I know, I know," Taehyung said, stubbornly trying to hide his smile, "You're only saying that because I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had."


"What's wrong? Are you tired?" Joy asked as Taehyung's head accidentally hit the window of the car. Since his arm was still sprained, he was not able to drive his motorcycle. Joy finally took her dad's offer and used a driver for the first time today.

"Yeah. Class was so boring today. I wish I skipped."

Joy laughed and ruffled his hair, "You can sleep when we get to my house."

Joy held Taehyung's hand as they walked towards her bedroom and she told him to lay down and rest. He followed her orders and went to take a quick nap. Joy covered him up in blankets, making sure he was comfortable and then went towards her desk, opening a textbook.


"Hm?" Joy turned around quickly and got up, "Do you need me to get you something?"

"Are you busy right now?"

"I was just going to start homework, but if you need something, I can go downstairs and get it for you."

"No I don't need anything." He replied, scooting over on the bed, "But just take a nap with me."

"Oh ermm, ok hold on," Joy went to lock her bedroom door and went back to her bed. "It would just be weird if someone walked in." She explained and went under the covers. She hugged Taehyung's torso and looked up at him to check if he was sleeping yet.

He was still awake and wrapped an arm around her.

Joy looked up again and pouted when she still saw Taehyung's eyes open. "Go to sleep. You should rest."

"I don't feel that tired anymore." He held Joy's face and kissed her all over her face while she tried to fight back. "Yesterday you said you wanted me to feel better."

"And that means kissing you?"

"Yeah." Taehyung planted a long kiss on Joy lips and if only he wasn't injured, he probably would have attempted to go further, but for now, he was content with just kissing her.

Taehyung woke up after thirty minutes and Joy was still sleeping, hugging his waist. He let out a deep sigh as he looked up at her ceiling. He looked back at her and slowly forced himself out of the bed, checking to see if she wasn't going to wake up.

He tiptoed across the room and slowly closed the door behind him as he went out into the hallway. He went downstairs and passed a bookshelf. Taehyung looked at the books and opened the one on the top shelf. Inside was cut hollow to allow things to be hidden within it. He looked at the money inside the book and reached in to grab it. His hand hovered over the bills but he stopped himself and closed the book. Regretting every move that he was making, he opened the book again and grabbed the money.

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