Showa day

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From this part to chapter 28 this is the works of The13thhero. Hope you enjoy. I don't own this story or Persona 4

Rain patters the window as Souji eyes open. Today is Showa Day so he has the day off from school.

"What should I do today?" The Fool spoke to himself almost immediately after he started to wake up. Quite the pattern for him, but today was a day off from school, so he couldn't do much. Nanako was preoccupied with the television after he made breakfast for her, His mind and stomach were still recovering from the Mega Beef Bowl he had from yesterday, so that was out of the question. He did come up with one thought though, Yukiko is supposed to return to school tomorrow after being rescued from the TV and since then has been recovering; according to what Chie said a couple of days back.

"Hmm, maybe I should go see her..." Souji mumbled. "Nanako, I'm going out!" Souji informed loudly to his cousin.

"Okay, take care!" Nanako replied back as Souji went outside with his umbrella popped open and headed to the shopping district.

While walking to the Shopping District, he called Chie to ask her a few things. Chie answered within the first few rings.


"Hey, it's Souji."

"Hi there, Souji-kun, what's up? Don't tell me you wanna go to the TV World again to train. I'm still tired from saving Yukiko."

"No, that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about, though what I wish to talk to you about does involve her. I want to ask you if you can give me directions to the Amagi Inn."

"What? Why do you wanna go there? Don't tell me you're-"

"I just want to make sure she's okay, that's all." Souji cut her off almost quickly with a cold tone. Though truth be told on his first day in Inaba when Chie and Yukiko walked with him, Chie did bring up if Souji thought Yukiko was cute, though he boldly admitted she was cute in his nonchalant grey eyes, he couldn't admit to Chie that he just wanted to see her for more than just if her health was improving, he didn't feel courageous enough like last time.

"Okay, if you aren't gonna be honest, I'm not gonna help you." Chie teased with a little laugh afterwards.

Just as Souji was about to give in and admit it; Chie speaks again, unintentionally cutting him off.

"It's alright, I understand Souji-kun. You really are a nice guy, you know that? Anyway, here's the address and how to get there..." Chie passed along the information Souji desired.

"Thanks Chie. I'll let her know you said 'Hi.' Later." Souji hung up the phone and headed to the bus stop as he predicted he needed to.

The bus would take him there in about 20 minutes. He spent that time contemplating about what to say to her; but for some reason, he could not think of anything to tell her. He could not think of anything, so the least he did was read as much as he could off of "A Great Man" as possible before getting there despite purchasing it just before the bus arrived . He felt more like a real man and more ready for this situation. Sure enough, those 20 minutes passed by too quickly and he had already arrived at the Inn. He sighed and shrugged, "Well... no point in standing here." He walked in as calm as can be, despite how in the inside he was screaming.

"Welcome!" A woman in a beautiful blue kimono with raven colored hair wrapped up to compliment the kimono greeted and bowed to him.

"Oh uh... Hello, I'm one of Yukiko-san's classmates." "Oh, you aren't Hanamura-chan. Are you perhaps...?"

"Oh forgive my manners, my name is Seta Souji, I transferred here from Kyoto for the year."

"Ah yes! I've heard of you. The infamous transfer student my daughter keeps talking about. Oh and forgive me for not introducing myself as well, I'm Yukiko's mother. What brings you to our Inn Souji-chan?"

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