A faint hint of love

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Morning came and Souji was just waking up, except he wasn't on his futon like he usually would, instead, he was sleeping on his couch. "I must have fallen asleep while on the phone last night." Souji sleepily mumbled to himself as he checked his phone, there were two messages in his inbox.

The first one was from Yosuke, "Kanji's starting to feel better, so he should be coming to school next week, so get ready for the talk about the TV World." Souji's mind simply jotted that down and he checked the other message.

To his surprise it was Yukiko; perhaps she was irritated at him for falling asleep on her? The message read, "Good morning my prince. I can tell you slept well last night." She was still going on with Souji's jests from last night; he couldn't help but break out into a smile after reading that as he got dressed up for school. He sent Yukiko a message before he left, "I would like to have lunch with you today, come to the rooftop if you wish to accompany me." He sent it so suddenly so he could perhaps avoid eating her food again. She was quite a ways away from getting to his level of cooking or at level where the food wouldn't be an instant kill like any Hama or Mudo spell he's avoided.

Souji came to the rooftop as he planned and Yukiko followed a few minutes after. "I'm glad you came, Yukiko."

"Good afternoon Souji-kun. Thank you for inviting me to lunch. Was there anything you wish to speak to me about?"

"I thought you would like to check up on your prince since he fell asleep to your soothing voice last night." Souji went as far with the role to even actually bow before Yukiko.

"S-Souji-kun, don't say that here!" A flustered Yukiko blurted out.

"But milady, I'm the only audience here. There's no one here to disturb us."

"Very well... Prince Souji-kun." Yukiko smiled while trying to play along.

"I am sorry for falling asleep on you though."

"It's alright; you really were tired after bringing all the things I bought from Junes, especially since you carried a whole new desk on your own. You should have let me help you."

"But milady, that type of work is not meant for a princess of battle."

Yukiko couldn't help but giggle at his choice of words. "My, you're quite chivalrous today, aren't you?"

"Perhaps. Still I feel a bad for falling asleep on you."

"It's alright Souji-kun. You sounded so calm when you were sleeping. I wish I was there sleeping with you-" Yukiko immediately noticed the problem with that last sentence and turned her head away from Souji. "N-No! It's not what you think!"

Souji couldn't help but laugh at her interesting word choice.

"S-S-Souji-kun!" A dark red Yukiko yelled out. "Stop laughing. Hey... you're starting to sound like me."

"Maybe you're starting to rub off on me." Souji grinned as his laugh started to die down. The two both laughed and reminisced about what they talked about last night and continued what they were unable to discuss due to Souji falling asleep until classes resumed.

On the morning of June 12th, Yukiko called Souji.

"Hello, this is Yukiko. I'm sorry to call you so suddenly. Do you have time to come out today?"

"Sure. Let's go right away."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit."

Yukiko took Souji to Junes again to buy food yet again.

"I wrote everything I need this time, so this won't be long."

"What do you plan to make this time?"

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