Dinner with the Dojima family

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Pattering drops of rain can be heard on the window as Souji woke up. Usually he is a heavy sleeper, but it might be because of both the rain and the awkward position he was sleeping in led to his awakening. After adjusting himself, he took a glance at his alarm clock; the time read 3:23 A.M. It was still quite a ways until the final day of the 1st term would come. As he was about to lie down in his bed yet again to sleep, he noticed his phone was still on... in fact, it was still in a call. The person who he was talking to was still Yukiko. He made sure if she was still on the line before ending it.

"Yukiko...?" Souji whispered, fearing to disturb the ever so gentle Priestess from her always deserved rest. No response was heard and Souji was about to end his call with her when he finally got a response of some sort.

"S...Souji-kun..." Yukiko mumbled.

"Y-Yukiko...!?" Souji called out to her thinking he woke her up after all.

"Can I..." Yukiko continued. "Stay... on top?"

A rather perverted thought crossed Souji's mind, but he was likely over thinking it. It seems like she was dreaming of cuddling with him, but her prurience for him seemed to make Souji think otherwise. He couldn't help but laugh a bit to himself.

"S-Souji-kun...?" Yukiko muttered. It looked like she finally started to wake up.

"Good to see you wake up." Souji chuckled to himself. "I guess you were right when you said you would think of me as you sleep."

"Wh-What!?" A once groggy Yukiko finally snapped back into reality. "How you'd know...?"

"You seem to talk in your sleep. I could tell you were dreaming of holding me while we sleeping." Souji playfully provoked.

"...Y-you... R-Right! I was dreaming of c-cuddling with you." Yukiko quickly concluded. It seemed Souji's gut feeling was correct on what she was actually dreaming of. "Well, Souji-kun, I'll see you at school then!"

"Yukiko... stay with me just a little longer." Souji said with a smirk on his face. He wasn't about to let Yukiko get away now.

"O-Okay... just 10 minutes then." Yukiko said with a flustered tone. Souji calmed a frazzled Yukiko and spoke until they both grew tired again.

On the 30th of July. The team had just captured Mitsuo the day before and was now arrested and detained by the police. Souji had called Yukiko to check up on her.

"Hey Souji-kun..." Yukiko quietly spoke.

"What's wrong Yukiko?" A worried Souji asked.

"I'm just... still bothered about yesterday, I guess."

"About you're omelet from last night?" Souji said trying to tease and ease the tension.

"Well, that too but... that isn't what is really bothering me..." Yukiko continued to trail off.

"I see... well, tell you what, you want to come to my house for today?"

"R-Really? B-But, why do you want me to go there?"

"Well, a phone talk won't help much now, will it? I want to take care of you today. Just tell your mom you'll be out for a while; that you may not be home until around later in the evening."

"O-Okay." Yukiko agreed with wondering as to what Souji had planned.

"You know what I'll do for you right?" Souji hinted.

"M-Maybe?" Yukiko had an idea, but she was afraid to say it.

"Alright, we'll leave it at that. I'll go by the Inn at about 4:00 P.M. to pick you up. Please be ready by then."

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