King's game

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September 2nd, school had just finished for the day and Yukiko was fixing the board on the first floor as usual before heading home.

"So is it true that you're with Souji-senpai?" A random first year had approached Yukiko. Yukiko only pinned up the last paper advertising the school trip in the coming week, sighing before speaking.

"My, do rumors spread fast here." Yukiko groaned.

"Hey, does that mean that's a yes?" The pestering student asked.

"Yes." Yukiko bluntly said.

"No way, that's not fair, why does he-"

"What's going here?" Another student approached. This time it was a brunette student that was a second year.


"Don't go prying into the two's love life, it's none of your business." Ai remarked. "Get out of my sight." Ai ordered with her finger pointing at the doorway. The baffled student just turned away and left.

"Whoa, that was quite the scene." Kou had now walked down to the stairs. He seemed to have heard the whole conversation.

"Thank you, but... who are you?" Yukiko had asked the Moon's identity.

"You don't know me? I'm Ai Ebihara and don't you forget it."

"I see, thank you very much. I wouldn't want to think what I would have had to do if you hadn't intervened."

"Well, it's nothing. It's the least I could for Souji... He helped changed my outlook on life. A-Anyway, if any other girls bother you, let me know, I'll give you a front row seat to see a verbal thrashing like you just saw."

"Wow, you seem to support these two." Kou commented.

"What's that supposed to mean? Souji's a dear friend to me. Any friend of his is a friend of mine. Even if it's a girlfriend."

"Ha ha, I understand, he's a good friend to me too. Anyway, let's go. You wanted to go to Okina right?"

"Yeah, let's go!" Ai gleefully said with her face slightly red, a bit hard to notice.

"Hey by the way Yukiko-san, the same thing Ai says goes for me too. I'll help you in any way if you need it."

"I see... Thank you guys, though I'll be prepared should this happen again."

"I can tell; you seem to be the scary-angry type." Kou said as he broke into a small laugh.

"C'mon Kou, let's go or else we're gonna miss the train." Ai pushed.

"Oh yeah, anyway see ya later!" Kou waved as he left with Ai in tow. Yukiko only smiled and waved back. Souji had walked down the steps and noticed Yukiko in that usual spot, to him, he thought she must have been waiting for him for where she wanted to go.

"What was all that loud noise?" Souji had questioned.

"I'll tell you on the way." Yukiko smiled.

"Where do you want to go?" Souji asked.

"Well... I want to go to your room again." Yukiko whispered.

"I see... let's go then." Souji said as he walked Yukiko to his house while she explained the situation from earlier. They had eventually arrived and Yukiko saw that his room was a bit different. His futon seemed to be laid out already. Before Yukiko could ask, Souji had already spoken for himself.

"I was running late, so I didn't have time to put it back up. I'm still a bit used to staying up late at night." Souji chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

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