Yosuke's goals

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September 26th. It was a rainy day in Inaba, but in Okina, the clouds-only presence was beautiful to him as always. It was beautiful enough to invite his ever-beautiful Priestess out to watch a movie she wished to see called "One Missed Text." It was about a woman who obtained the power to kill people by sending a certain text message and the couple felt a smoldering dread as they watched the Heroine gradually go insane from the curse. It reminded Souji of both a movie he once saw and an Anime he really loved while he was back in Kyoto.

"Wow, that movie was amazing!" Yukiko shouted in happiness as the couple walked out of the movie theater.

"Yeah, there weren't that many people surprisingly. Though, I think that may be because the month's almost over." Souji pondered for a moment.

"Well, it was good for us since we had the whole back row to ourselves."

"Yeah, so even when the movie got boring, you were able to make it interesting."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Yukiko smiled modestly.

"Well, how was the movie?" Souji questioned trying to slightly change the subject.

"That was scary, but thrilling! I love how they never explain why the power to curse people to death ended up in peoples' cell phones! The slight irritation level is just right! It keeps you intrigued!" Yukiko continued to gush about how she enjoyed the movie to Souji; it reminded him of how Nanako can be. "But anyway... we should come again sometime." Yukiko smiled sheepishly with a red face. "You want to stop by somewhere else along the way back? We haven't spent some time together like this in a while."

"Sure, let's go then." Souji faintly smiled as he took Yukiko's hand and went off.

Time had passed by rather peacefully while Naoto was recovering. Eventually she had fully recovered and had joined the team. Now it was the time for exams.

October 15th; After School. Chie asked Souji to go with her to the flood plain as they were dismissed from exams for the rest of the day.

"I'm sorry Souji-kun, but I've just been wondering about something. I know you gotta study for exams and all that." A troubled Chie spoke.

"It's fine. Those questions are pretty easy so I don't mind slacking off for a bit." Souji smirked. He felt as if he was smart as a Sage, so he didn't mind.

The two had a training session just like back in Summer Vacation and despite how Souji was a little rusty; it got him to have a workout since he hasn't been in the TV World for about a month. And there hasn't been any Soccer practice due to exams.

"Whew, that was a good way to get pumped for exams." Chie said as fire grew in her eyes.

"This had nothing to do with exams though." Souji panted bluntly.

"Oh come one, don't be such a killjoy Souji-kun." Chie teased.

"So how has 'hanging out' with Yosuke been?" Souji counter-teased right back.

"W-Well... he's surprisingly been nice. He willingly paid for my steak bowl the other day and him and I went to the hill overlooking town yesterday. He's... surprisingly sweet..." Chie noted as she grew slightly pink. "B-But, he's still an idiot sometimes!"

"...Chie, what did you say you were going to try to stop doing?" Souji reminded her in a stern voice.

"Y-You're right, sorry... but he does act up from time to time, but I don't mind it as much. But when we're all together, for some reason I do. I'm not sure why that is."

"Hmm... Maybe because the other girls are there...?" Souji suggested, trying help to piece together the cause of Chie's current internal conflicts.

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