All acording to plan

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October 23rd, Dojima Residence. Souji had just gotten off the phone with Yukiko saying they are going to pay their respects to the newly renovated Shrine. Little did Yukiko know that it was through Souji's efforts and payments to the Fox that it had been renovated, but no need for her to know that right? He planned to relax a bit with Nanako, watching Featherman R with her until he got another phone call, this time it was from Kanji.

"Yo Senpai, I need to talk to ya about something important. Can you go to the hill soon?"

"...Very well, I need it to be quick though. I have to see Yukiko later on today." Souji sighed before agreeing. He could tell Kanji wouldn't take no for an answer.

"A'ight Senpai, I understand. I'll be waiting for ya there then; later." Kanji smiled slightly before hanging up.

The hill overlooking town. Souji had arrived to see Kanji there waiting for him... And to his surprise, Yosuke was waiting there too.


"Just sit down and we'll explain dude." Yosuke cut him off. Souji sat down and waited for what the two had to say. That Kanji wanted to confess his feelings for Naoto and that Yosuke wanted to do the same, but for Chie. Both were very flustered and straightforward with their points.

"Alright, I get it." Souji groaned as he made the two calm down.

"Okay Kanji, if you go in right now and tell how you feel, you're likely going to fail." Kanji only sighed in sadness at Souji's words. "It isn't the same like Yosuke, where he's had about a year to know Chie; we've only really talked to Naoto very little so far. I understand why you like her, but it's too soon Kanji. First you need her to get to know you. You need to make an opportunity appear."

"Y-Ya mean ask her out on a date!?" Kanji stammered.

"As Yukiko told Yosuke, don't say it's a date. Just say you wish to 'hang out' with her. Knowing her, she won't even realize it unless you tell her upfront." Souji shrugged. "You'll have a perfect opportunity, ask her out to the Culture Festival and see if she wants to walk around with you. You can use that chance to get to know her."

"U-Uh... If you say so Senpai, I'll give it a shot." Kanji nodded as he continued to sound very flustered.

"B-But senpai... How'd you get with Yukiko-senpai?"

"You want to know why huh...? ...Very well then." Souji took a long sigh before retelling his escapade with Yukiko that led to their intimacy. "...And yeah, when she asked why I hung out with her so much, I just told her flat out I liked her, and you know the rest."

"...Wow, it's that simple huh?"

"Yup, you two are just really over thinking things." Souji shrugged before shifting his attention to Yosuke. "Well now that just leaves you partner, Its as simple as it gets. Like what happened with Yukiko and me, you just need to ask Chie out and when the moment seems right, you tell her how you feel."

"...If only it were that easy..."

"Alright then, call her right now and see if she wants to hang out with you. Especially since we're being watched by the killer, we need to stick together."

"Yeah, you got a point there..."

October 21st, during lunchtime. Souji showed everyone a warning letter he got saying to stop rescuing people from the TV World. The fact that he got a warning letter shows that the killer knows who is messing with his crimes, and after making some discussion about it, they have concluded that they can only wait for the killer to make his next move.

"Yeah... I guess there's no point in over thinking this stuff since we don't understand it." Yosuke sighed. "Freaking out over speculation is just what the killer wants, right?"

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