A sky full of stars

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In the Shopping District, at Kanji's house.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to talk to Kanji is all." A disappointed voice said.

"Are you sure you don't wish to wait? I'm certain Kanji would love to see a friend stop by."

"It's fine Tatsumi-san, I can always talk to him at school. Anyway, I should get going."

"Very well." She bowed. "Please take care."

"I will." The young lady said as she bowed back in respect and stepped out. After closing the door, she sighed and then gave a pout. "Maaan, the one time I wanna talk to Kanji, he's not here to play!" the girl spoke frustratingly as she began to walk home. After arriving by the doorstep, she feebly walked to her room, collapsing onto her bed in disappointment and boredom. "Urgh, he's never around when you need him." Rise growled as she undid her hair to let it down. Last month felt long, with the whole concert and Festival dragging things out even farther. Knowing that the rain was approaching soon and it would also mean some time to train, she wanted to at least alleviate some stress. She wasn't a gamer like Yosuke, or didn't have a big hobby like Kanji, she was just... Rise. A retired idol. It still gnawed at her a bit, but it was nothing she couldn't deal with on her own without resorting to either Kanji or Souji for aid, especially since they've seen her cry.

Since she wasn't working today, all she could do was stare up at the ceiling and pass the time. As she took a peek out her window after some time, her mouth gasped in surprise. Kanji was walking back home with Naoto. She looked pleased with herself, seeing that he finally manned up and asked her out, at least in her point of view, on a date. She definitely needed to approach him on the matter soon.

But for what felt like a split second, she felt some discontent about it. She disappeared from sight and gave it some thought. Why did she feel that way? Maybe because she wanted to see it happen and have actual involvement? She merely shrugged it off and went on with her day.

Evening hours. Inside the Dojima residence.

The young couple had given Nanako her medicine and let her rest for a bit. However, she woke up faster than one could expect and it seemed her fever had been gone indefinitely. Although, it seemed she recovered from most of it over the course of the day on her own. It was then that the little girl made a request to the two.

"Can we go to the Samegawa River?" The young one asked.

"The River? What do you want to go see?" Yukiko asked.

"To see the stars and fish again! I want to see them with both of you this time!" Nanako answered with such fondness, recalling the time she went with her father.

"Are you sure you want to go Nanako? You just started to get better from your fever. I don't think any of us would like to see you get sick again." Souji responded with some worry.

"I feel better already though! I'll be fine Big Bro!" Nanako pouted.

"I think we should let her go with us. She seems dead-set on this." Yukiko giggled.

"I guess so." Souji agreed with some hesitation.

"If there's one thing she learned from you, it's your stubbornness." Yukiko pointed.

"I am not stubborn." Souji replied with some clear disdain.

"Yeah you are, Big Bro!" Nanako agreed with Yukiko which made her laugh a bit more.

"Whatever; let's go before I change my mind." Souji sighed after getting corrected by Nanako of all people. Her cuteness is starting to become too dangerous.

The couple walked Nanako to the river. It was just as beautiful as the last time he came here. Dojima was here however, but he has been working a lot more lately for reasons unknown but Nanako didn't seem to mind.

"Big Sis! Big Sis! Have you ever been here at night?" Nanako asked Yukiko with enthusiasm and glee to make even a Cynic crack a smile. That Cynic being Souji of course.

"Yes I have actually. Though I've never paid much attention to the river until now. It certainly is beaming thanks to the moonlight." Yukiko thought aloud.

"It's so pretty! You can see the fish!"

"She's acting like this is her first time here." Souji shrugged with a smile.

"You don't seem to mind all that much Souji-kun." Yukiko glanced with her own little smile.

"Maybe. It's refreshing to have some positivity these days."

"I agree."

The two talked while watching Nanako enjoy the sights. She seemed well after all. Perhaps they were overly worrying about her safety. Nanako then went in-between them, grabbing each one of them by the hand, saying she was ready to go home, humming a tune along the way. The day felt very... familial. Something Souji had never really experienced for so long. Though he'd never wish to say it, he really did enjoy today.




...If only things would stay that way forever.


It was stormy, rain pattering hard on the window. The midnight channel had just ended. She couldn't believe her sight. She was praying her eyes were lying to her. What she felt was too hard to describe, but the only word that would come close was despair. Absolute despair. The phone rang and after what felt like nearly all her strength, she answered, but before she could say anything, the voice just screamed out.

"Y-Yukiko-senpai! Nanako chan has-!"

"What..." She could barely speak; especially after hearing that name. Now she was praying her hearing was deceiving her.

"She was kidnapped! The Bastard took Nanako while Souji-senpai was taken to the police station!"

Her body went numb that moment, the cell phone slipping from her hand and landing on the soft floor; time was slowing down; her legs gave in and she collapsed on her knees, but she could barely hear a voice. No. Two voices: A familiar humming that was replaying in her head, as if it was reminding and comforting her psyche; the other was someone screaming her name.

"Yukiko-senpai!? YUKIKO-SENPAI!"

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