You need to be punished

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So this guy finally updated, I really hope he continues


Yukiko was walking back 'home'. Although not in her usual pattern, which would end up to the bus stop. No, she would turn South instead of going the usual northwestern direction to the Shopping District. By luck, if you could call it that, Chie had spotted her going into the other direction unlike the usual. Being her close friend for years, things like this would be easier to spot.

"Huh... " The girl would just ponder to herself for a moment, but then brushed it off as a one time thing. She did not realize what lied in that direction. The short-haired tomboy would push onward, seeing it as a one time deal.


It had a been almost a week since Yukiko had started living with Souji. Taking the different path, Rise was the one that spotted her going in the different direction; only realizing that led to.

"Wait a sec, why is she going to Senpai's house?" She spoke aloud, not realizing who was with her for idle chit-chat.

"Oh, yeah; he lives there. Wait, why is she going there?" The girl who first noticed it now caught on to the possible implications.

"Wait, you don't think she's going over to... I can see it happening, actually."

"R-Rise-chan! Just what do you think you're implying!?"

"Oh, come on now, Chie-senpai! They're young and all alone! Why wouldn't they be sleeping together?"

"Rise! Why would you think they'd have sex together!?"

"Oh... I meant actual sleep though, Chie-Senpai. But now that you mention it... I can see that happening-"


"Oh, fine, fine. But I really wanna know what Yukiko-Senpai is up to."

"Yeah, now that you bring it up... I kinda wanna know too! Let's round up the gang and see if we can find out something!"

"Y-You sure? I think a big crowd might get us caught. Especially if Teddie comes with us..."

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! You text Yosuke about it! I'll make sure to get Naoto-kun and Kanji in on this! We're the Investigation Team and we should investigate what these two lovebirds are up to!" Rise hopped up in the air, her cheery and now interested self was ready to drag Chie into this route that could not end well.


After spending time studying and lounging about in the library for some time, Yukiko heard the door open to see her boyfriend all back in his uniform, ready to go.

"Soccer was faster than usual. We just did simple warm-ups, so we get to go home a bit earlier." Souji explained himself as he walked over to Yukiko.

"Great. We can head back right away then." She put up a smile, getting up from her seat and pushing it back onto the desk, eager to head to her temporary home.

It took two days set it up, figure out the walking pattern of the two and how they went home, but at last, their operation was a go. The group had gathered by Kanji's house as a starting point to begin their mission, hiding out until they spotted the couple walking down the street; going in the direction that lead to Souji's home.

"You were right, Rise-chan! It is beary suspicious that Yuki-chan is going to Sensei's home! It makes you wonder what's going on between the hot lovebirds!" Teddie noted.

"Teddie! They're not like that! Only you and Yosuke would think of things like that!" Chie retorted for the sake of defending her friend.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I'm your boyfriend, you know!" Yosuke snapped back in shock; feeling a bit betrayed by his own girlfriend.

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