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Such a joyous moment, yet there was confusion in the air. How did Yukiko know of his birthday? Souji had to ask despite the happiness he felt.

"H-How'd you know today was my birthday?" A confused Souji asked.

"Um... I met Nanako-chan at Junes over a week ago... She talked about you saying she hoped your wish would come true in time for your birthday."

Souji made a smirk before talking. "It looks like my Tanabata wish came true after all. I couldn't ask for anything more." Souji said as he reached out for another kiss from Yukiko. "Yukiko, are you still scared of people's opinions about us?"

"Y-Yes, just a little bit. I'm more worried than anything else, how would we explain it to Chie and the rest. Rise-chan would be hurt when she hears about this..." A troubled Yukiko frowned.

"Don't worry, we'll tell them when we're ready. Until then, let's keep this between us and our families for now."

"O-Okay Souji-kun, though I wonder how they will handle it. Mother would be fine with it I bet; but as for Father, I'm not too sure."

"I'm certain he'll be fine with it." A comforting Souji said. He was right though, Akio Amagi even granted Souji his blessing before he became intimate with Yukiko, but she of course did not know that yet.

"But how about you, Souji-kun? How will Dojima-san and Nanako-chan handle it?"

"Nanako would be ecstatic to hear about this, she'll be calling you 'Big Sis' to no end. As for Uncle, he'll be fine with it, but I don't think he'd let me live it down. He would probably joke about us all the time."

"Ah... I see." Yukiko awkwardly laughed before making a sudden pout. "Souji-kun, you're so mean."

"What do you mean by that?" A rather puzzled Souji asked.

"I'm still all shaken up inside yet you are so calm. I still wonder how you act so calm..." Yukiko pouted with a teasing tone.

"I'm sorry. But it's alright now right?" Souji asked as he grasped her hand to comfort her.

"Of course, I'm just still in a bit of surprise, that's all." Yukiko nodded with a smile. "Souji-kun... It's getting late; can you... walk me home?"

"I'd be honored to."

Souji walked Yukiko back to the inn, holding her hand along the way and parted with a kiss, and then he went straight home.

"I'm home."

"You're back; can you help me with something Souji?" Dojima asked with a grin on his face.

"Alright, what is it?" Souji complied.

Souji hid Nanako in his room while Dojima brought a cake and some coffee.

"Go ahead and get her now. Take your time."

According to Dojima, this was the day they "officially" became a family and despite Nanako not understanding what was going on, but there was cake and that's what she was jubilant about.

"Souji, you seem different today." Dojima noticed. "Did something happen today?"


"Now you got me curious. Did something happen between you and the Amagi girl?"

"N-No. Nothing happened."

"Souji you can't escape out of this one! You seriously think you can lie to a detective? Just spill the beans already."

"Well, I'll put it this way. Remember my wish for the Star Festival?"

"Yeah; it was something about-" Dojima suddenly caught on. "You're joking right?"

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