A young couple's daily life

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As soon as the bell rang, it took only some moments before Yukiko and Souji would immediately rush to their home, having chores to do and keep the house in tip top shape; especially because Nanako and Dojima were not there to help it like in the past.

When they arrived, Yukiko would take care of the laundry while Souji would stay in the kitchen, cleaning it (because of a past attempt at cooking from a certain someone) as well as the dishes. His task was the first to be done and he would go outside to see Yukiko out hanging up the clothes to be dried, the girl looking beautiful in her cardigan as always.

"Need some help?" He would ask, a easygoing smile on his face.

"That would be nice, dear." She'd respond, sounding like a stereotypical housewife from an American household. The Fool would stand besides her, hanging up his clothing while she worked on hers.

"At this rate, we should be able to finish the rest of the housework, cooking, and our homework; I think we'll have a bit more free time on our hands."

"Oh, really? Then what do you propose we do with that free time, hm?"

"I was thinking I just surprise you instead. I think you'll love that idea; maybe try some new things out."

"I like the sound of that! Let's hurry, shall we?" She'd coo; eager to get a move on as they hoped to incorporate something else into their agenda.


During the evening hours, the two had the night to themselves. Finals were still some time away, so there was no need to stress over it just yet and they were just enjoying each other's company; albeit, not in the way one would expect.

Yukiko was trying to make lunch for her boyfriend, but he was watching and as usual, very worried for his health. He would try to give her some advice, not taking away the utensils; wanting to believe she'll improve eventually.

"Souji-kun, let me try it! I know it'll be good!"

"No, Yukiko. Why do you think Maple Syrup will go well with Fried rice? That's a bad idea."

"But... it'll give it a smoother feel when you eat it... and a layer of depth!"

"...Have you even mastered making Fried Rice?"


"I thought so. Look, you shouldn't even mess with any recipes until you've mastered the skill of making them." Souji would cite, saying the advice without realizing this is the first time he's ever heard those words.

"I... suppose you're right. But I feel as though I've heard that somewhere before, however." Yukiko did not try to counter-argue since she was too focused on trying to recall the origins of that phrase. "Who told you that? It sounds like you heard that from someone else"

"Hmm... I can't seem to recall. I feel I know who said it, and yet, I can't come to think of who it was or their name. It's bizarre." His face looked puzzled, a bit frustrated he could not recall anything.

"I see. Well, I guess I'll have to follow their advice for now. I still think the Syrup is a good idea, though..."

"Yukiko...!" Dinner had promised to be lively for the first time in a while.

Despite the hassle of a student Yukiko was in terms of cooking, their dinner went off without a real problem, thanks to Souji's intervention at every turn.


The next day, the adversity-facing couple had yet another day to themselves the minute their afterschool activities had concluded. The two would venture out towards the shrine after browsing for a bit around the Shopping District. The golden luster would surprise Yukiko; Souji's efforts to help the Fox out in making people's wishes come true would finally pay dividends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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