What do you still have?

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As they were waiting for the authorities to arrive, Yukiko and Souji were watching Nanako the whole way through, worrying about her condition. But once the ambulance arrived, only Souji was allowed to ride with Nanako to the Hospital due to them being family members. The rest of the investigation team had to get to the Hospital on their own. Naoto called for Yakushiji, a secretary of her Grandfather, who took the girls; while Yosuke asked his Dad to take him and the rest of his friends to get to the Hospital right away. Despite his father's busy schedule, seeing the emergency presented before him, he drove them to their destination. Upon their arrival, they looked for Nanako's room. Souji found them after he had his left hand looked at and treated for his burns from the battle; with bandages wrapped around his palm. They waited for an hour without no update of her status.

Inaba Municipal Hospital, in front of Nanako's room. Nanako isn't allowed any visitors.

"Nana-chan's still small... so her other self didn't appear like everyone else..." Teddie informed as his eyes stared at the floor. "And she got caught in all that craziness. I hope she'll be okay."

"I mean, are the doctors going to be able to help her?" Yosuke added, not helping with Teddie's emotions.

"Waaaah... I'm worried about Nana-chan!"

"But there's nothing more we can do for her." As Chie stated. After a moment of silence, they heard Naoto mumbling to herself, likely using her talent as a Detective and trying to make sense of Namatame's actions.

"A deliveryman named Namatame... The possibility of Nanako-chan being targeted... If only I'd been more thorough in putting the facts together! Then Nanako-chan would have had to go through this."

"That... goes for me too. If I hadn't stood there like a lump in front of that bastard, Nanako-chan might've been okay." Yosuke turned one person's pity to a duo's.

"I hate myself... Why do I always panic when it matters most?" Chie added herself into the now pitiable trio.

"I couldn't do anything either... It's my fault Souji-kun got burned, but he made up an excuse so I wouldn't get in trouble." Yukiko sighed.

"I should have noticed sooner that something was wrong with that guy..." Rise lamented.

"Why didn't I notice something sooner!" Naoto continued blaming herself. "If I hadn't tried to engage him in conversation, and we rescued Nanako-chan immediately...! None of this would have ever happened!"

Souji had words to say, but chose not to say them; he closed himself off, like how he used to. His world was broken to the way it used to, and he could not pick up the pieces. It was small before, with no real care for his parents, who were never around for him when he wanted them to be. It only grew bigger thanks to the friends he made, engaging in his first relationship with the first woman he ever fell in love with, and the new family he just joined. And now, that family is all hurt or worse.

Kanji, grew annoyed of this pity party, with everyone wallowing in a shared misery with one another. After shaking his head, he turned around from the window and faced the group, sighing before he spoke. "Alright, enough of this pity party." This comment made everyone's stares shift toward Kanji. "Is standing around and whining really what we oughta be doing now? Feeling pathetic, consoling each other... that gonna solve anything!? We gotta believe in her." Kanji then turned to Naoto, grabbing both of her shoulders. "So stop rehashing what's already been done. Get it together, Naoto!"

After a pause and her eyes no longer widening from the surprise of Kanji grabbing her like that, she spoke. "Sorry... you're absolutely right."

"This is all that bastard Namatame's fault. And he's behind bars now, right? And it ain't like we were too late for Nanako-chan."

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