Reverse Justice

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October 27th; at the school rooftop.


"F-For what!?" Yosuke stammered.

"The beauty pageant! You wrote down our names without telling us, didn't you!?"

"N-No, like hell it was me! Why do you all automatically blame me!?"

"'Cause its things like this that get us in trouble with everyone." Yu remarked.

"Sh-Shut up Souji!" Yosuke urged while Yukiko and Chie closed in on him, with pure outrage covering their faces. "I-I mean, if you don't wanna do it, you just say no, right? Like it was a joke or something."

"We wouldn't be so pissed if we could do that! With Kashiwagi planning this year's event, even those who got entered by other people can't back out!"

"Seriously? Must've been something in the fine print I overlooked..."

"Smooth dumbass." Souji remarked again under his breath, with Kanji able to hear, yet Kanji nodded slightly in agreement with a smirk to follow.

"SO IT WAS YOU!" Both Chie and Yukiko yelled after Yosuke's slip-up.

"Oh crap...!" Yosuke then received an onslaught of harsh yelling from the girls.

"Hey..." Rise called out, breaking the anger for a moment, "You want us to enter the pageant, right?"

"Y-Yeah! I mean, you guys know how popular Yukiko is here. And on top of that, we have an idol and a Detective Prince here as well! What's the point of having a pageant if all these beautiful heroines aren't going to take part!?"

"...SO WHERE THE HELL DO I FIT IN!?" ...Well, excuuuse me for not fitting in!"

"Oh, I'm certain you do fit in. You probably just have a name that he's too embarrassed to say." Chie and the rest of the group looked at him with either worry or curiosity as Souji's smirk widened. "I'm going to guess you're his 'Self-taught Kung-fu Princess' in his mind.

"His?" Rise then gasped at the thought that had appeared in her mind and a smile grew wide on her face. "Does that mean the two of them are-!?"

"Hey, uhh, Kanji! Don't you want to see them in the pageant?" Yosuke tried covering up his relationship with Chie while she herself turned away, hiding her burning face.

"Huh, I ain't interested in that kind of stuff." Kanji replied in confusion as Naoto gave him a quick stare and his head immediately looked away while Naoto gave off a puzzled look in wonder as to what is with him. Yosuke's eyes glowed for a moment in order to move some of the heat away from him.

"Naoto-kun... Kanji-kun says that he really wants you to be in it."

"Wha-!? I-I didn't say nothing!" Kanji stammers in a hurried response.

"What about you? You want them to be in it, right?"

"No. No, not really."

"Aw, you don't want to see the guys ogling at Yukiko-senpai I bet?" Rise playfully teased at Souji with him only remaining silent.

"Hey... you guys are inching into the bandwagon with Yosuke, aren't you?" Chie questioned.

"...I suggest you take that remark back. There's no hell in way I'm involved with this." Souji's voice grew stern.

"Souji-kun, seriously, it's usually you and Yosuke that start some type of antics."

"I said I'm not involved with this! Quit making false accusations!" The group grew silent as this was one of the rare occasions that Souji ever raised his voice. "Tch... I'm leaving if this is all I came to hear." Souji then began to take his leave, pulling out his Velvet Key which was unfamiliar to the team, but his stare grew sterner as he stuffed it back into his pocket and began making his descent down the stairs to return to his classroom.

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