Can i have your number?

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The Midnight Channel faded away. Kanji was definitely the next target. And just as he anticipated, Yosuke calls to discuss what just happened.

"Alright, so we finally have a lead. Let's all get together tomorrow, okay?" Yosuke requested. "Oh, I almost forgot... It's kinda off subject but as long as you're on the line, mind if I ask something? It's something I've been meaning to ask for a while. So.... What do you think about Yukiko and Chie? I mean, let's not mince words: Which one's your type?"

"It was only a matter of time before you would ask me this, huh?" Souji shrugged. "You probably knew already, but its Yukiko."

"Ohhh, I had a feeling you'd say that." Yosuke grinned. "You're visit to the Inn totally didn't give it away. And don't get me started on the way you described how you're little 'dates' went. So how'd she catch your interest?"

"Well... That change of hers is something I like." Souji explained. "She was very mysterious when I first met her. I like how she is now as well, but she's a really strong and beautiful woman. And you're gonna laugh at me for this, but I kind of like her laughing fit. I think it's cute."

"R-really? That's just weird, dude. Don't worry, I won't judge you." Yosuke said in a bit of a shock.

"Alright Yosuke, it's your turn."

"W-wait, what do you mean!?"

"Yosuke, it's only fair. So... What do you think about Yukiko and Chie? I mean, let's not mince words: Which one's your type?" Souji mocked him and even copied his tone. Yosuke remained silent for a bit, either contemplating or hesitating. "Don't worry; I won't get mad at you if you are interested in Yukiko too."

"Well... I'm gonna say Chie-"

"Called it. Nanako owes me a Cream Melon Soda." Souji interrupted with a smirk.

"W-W-WHAT!? You two gambled on who I like!?" Yosuke frantically said.

"Yeah; Nanako thought you liked Yukiko and I said Chie, so we gambled on it." Souji explained with no hesitation in his voice. "Oh she knows about me liking Yukiko too. She asked who I like and you know I can't lie to her, so I just told her. I'll think she'll be happy that I won the bet though."

"Y- You-!"

"I expect you won't say anything to Yukiko right? Less you want Chie to know about you."

"...Fine, you win. I wasn't gonna say anything anyway."

"Just making sure is all." Souji grinned. "Oh... I can see what Chie meant when it comes to messing around with you. It IS enjoyable."

"W-Wait, what'd she say about me to you!? You gotta tell me dude! Put in a good word for me!"

"Don't worry I will, anyway it's late and I've got plans to make, so I'm hanging up now. Bye."

"Wait, what plans!? H-hey I'm not through-"

Souji ended his call with Yosuke abruptly. Souji broke into a laugh.

"I hope I don't get Yukiko's laughing fit... yet." Souji smirked to himself as he got ready for bed.

Time passed until it was after school on May 17th. The Team was in front of the school gates as Kanji and the boy with the blue hat walked off.

"We gotta hurry after them, or we'll lose them!" Chie said frantically.

Yosuke suggested they split into teams, one to follow Kanji and the other to stake out the textile shop.

"I'll go with Yukiko to the textile shop. You two follow Kanji." Souji said with a leader-like tone.

Chie and Yosuke run off while Souji sends Yosuke a text message. "You're welcome." Souji sent with a big grin all over his face.

"You alright, Souji-kun?"

"Yes. Let's head on out shall we?"

"Yes, let's go."

Souji waited at the shrine, hoping the fox won't ruin his chances since everyone else unintentionally did in the past. Yukiko went to go get some sodas to make it look a bit more "natural"... if that would even help. Souji received a text message back from Yosuke

"Was this your plan all along?"

"Maybe. Where's my thank you?"

"Tch, whatever dude. Thanks I guess."

"Anytime Yosuke. That's what partners do."

Meanwhile, Yukiko was in front of the vending machines deciding what to get for Souji.

"Hmm... what would he like? This is my chance to impress Souji-kun, so I want to at least get him something he likes to help me even if it's just a little bit."

"Oh, hello there Yuki-chan! What seems to be the problem?"

"Oh, why hello Shiroku-san; what are you doing outside of your store?"

"Oh, I just had to drop something off. Interested in the transfer student huh?" The lady teased. "Try getting him a Dr. Salt Neo. He often buys those a lot along with TaP soda for some reason. I always thought that he just bought them for his friends, but try that."

"Oh... uh, thank you."

"It's fine Yuki-chan. I'll keep this a secret between us ladies. I wish you luck with him and say hi to your mother for me." Shiroku chuckled as she walked back to her store.

Yukiko quickly gets his soda and runs back, feeling as if she wasted enough time since Chie and Yosuke can finish their stakeout at any time; she wanted as much time alone with Souji as possible.

"Sorry about the wait... This one's for you."

"You got one of my favorites. Thank you, that's very considerate of you."

"Oh it's alright. I had a feeling that you'd like it."

"Do you think the culprit will come?"

"No worries, I'll protect you." Souji bravely stated with a sincere smile.

"Huh...? O-Okay... Thanks. I'm counting on you." Yukiko gave a sincere smile right back at Souji, save for a bright red shade all over her face. "It would be scary if the culprit did show up. But if they do, I'll do what I can to help you catch them. You saved me so it's the least I can do for you."

"Chie and Yosuke helped me too. I'm not so sure if I could've saved you without them." Souji modestly replied.

"Oh, yes, but you also put your share in; and well... you helped me face myself too. You especially stopped my shadow yourself and got hurt because of me. That burn mark on your wrist is proof of that. I'm truly sorry for that."

"It's alright. You couldn't help it. But thank you for the concern. I appreciate it." Souji smiled.

"But, Chie seems to be having fun helping you guys with this case. And... the same is true for me." Yukiko spoke with a great smile on her face. Her gratitude and affection was beaming onto Souji and he could only smile in response, hiding his own affection under that icy heart of his until the moment was just right.

"Yukiko, can I have your number?" Souji's asked with confidence. His courage from reading "The Man's Life" series has started to pay off.

"O-oh uh... O-okay, if you want." Yukiko said hesitantly, with red spread all over her face. "I can't always answer since I'm working at the Inn but, feel free to call anytime.

"Thank you Yukiko." Souji nodded. "Oh, are you up for hanging out on Sunday? I want to go visit the bookstore since I believe a new book will be released by then."

"Um... are you asking me out?" Yukiko questioned as a humorous thought.


"Oh, I see. Yes; yes I'd like to go with you." Yukiko stated right back in little time.

"Then I'll meet you in the afternoon in front of the bookstore. We'll work the exact time on Sunday morning? Is that okay with you Yukiko?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine with that. I'm looking forward to it." Yukiko joyfully replied with a big smile. "I'm looking forward to hanging out with you on Sunday then."

"I am too Yukiko." Souji said with an optimistic tone, a tone you almost never hear from The Fool. The Priestess has now started to truly follow him on his journey.

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