A dangerous couple

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"It looks lovely today." The grey haired transfer student commented to himself as he looked outside his window viewing the matching grey clouds that filled the sky. The time was 11 A.M., so the day started off with checking out Tanaka's Amazing Commodities and just as he pulled his phone up it started to ring. The caller was to no surprise Yukiko.

"Hello, this is Souji."

"H-hello, this is Yukiko. You answered quickly, were you perhaps waiting for me to call, Souji-kun?" Yukiko giggled to herself.

"I was just about to call you actually." Souji confessed.

"Hey Big Bro, you awake?" Nanako interrupted as she opened the door.

"Yes I am Nanako. Wait just a moment Yukiko. Do you need something Nanako?"

"Big Bro, breakfast is ready. You need to hurry before it gets cold." Nanako demanded.

"Alright Nanako, just let me finish this phone call." Souji insisted.

"Okay Big Bro." Nanako pouted as she stood there curious about the phone call.

"Sorry about that Yukiko, you were saying?

"Well, is 2 P.M. a good time for you? There's actually a book I want to get as well."

"That time is fine with me. I'll meet you at the bus stop near the store."

"Okay! I'm looking forward to seeing you. There's something I want you to know. Goodbye."

Souji hung up with a smile, curious as to what it is she wanted to say, but he knew it wasn't what he was hoping she'd say.

"Big Brooo!" Nanako looked at Souji with determined eyes, yet still with that curious feel they always have.

"I know Nanako, let's go eat."

"Big bro, you need to take a bath after you finish eating. You need to look good for your date." Nanako giggled.

"So the secret's out, huh?"

"You need to dress up real good too! And tell her she's pretty too!"

Souji couldn't help but give a laugh. "I understand Nanako. I'll be sure to get you a Big Sis to call your own."

"Yay! C'mon Big Bro! Hurry, hurry!" Nanako said eagerly.

Souji spent that morning getting ready for his "date" with Yukiko, while Nanako was bombarding The Fool with advice to impress Yukiko.

"Okay Big Bro, good luck!" Nanako cheerfully said with a smile beaming across her face.

"I'll make you proud Nanako." Souji smiled as he headed out.

He was surprisingly taking the shortcuts around town, hoping to get there on time so he could greet Yukiko as she got off the bus. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, she was already waiting there for him.

"Sorry for the wait, Yukiko. Were you waiting long?"

"Hello Souji-kun. I had to do some errands for the Inn so I left earlier so I could get them out of the way."

"I see, well let's go get our books then." Souji suggested.

In the bookstore Souji and Yukiko were in opposite sides getting their books. Souji got the first volume of the Timid Teacher series, "Off Today" while Yukiko got a book about job certifications.

"...Thank goodness. That was the last one." Yukiko sighed in relief.

"The same for me as well. Is it just me or do they always have one book left all the time?"

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