Alone in the hotsprings

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Amagi Inn; 7:45 P.M.

Despite the protests from Yukiko, they were still dragged off to the changing rooms and the reserved sign was already placed at the entrance. The couple went to their separate changing rooms while Kaede left smirking to herself. Souji had finished and put his bath towel on and went into the Hot Springs. The night sky can be seen from there and the summer night was gleaming. Souji simply descended into the spring and let its warm waters surround him. This was his first time ever experiencing a hot spring, so he enjoyed the moment more than anyone usually would. He simply sat at the edge of the pool and let it ease him from all his past battles and traumas.

After some minutes had past, the door could be heard opening again. This time it was someone that he expected, but was still surprised to see. Yukiko had slowly approached the spring, with her face still red with embarrassment. Yukiko only glanced at Souji, who was fixed on her well formed figure yet again. After she took a deep breath, she removed the towel wrapped around her, exposing herself to him again and joined Souji in the spring.

"Oh come on, I've already seen you-" Souji attempted to say but Yukiko quickly placed her hand over his mouth. "Alright, alright, I get it. Still, don't feel so embarrassed when it's just us okay? The cuteness might kill me." Souji joked with his voice being muffled out from Yukiko's hand.

Yukiko sat right next to Souji during their time in the spring. She was somewhat silent most of the time and Souji had to keep starting the conversation while Yukiko made very minimal responses to them.

"Still, you're mother is an interesting one. She's nothing like I thought she'd be; I'm still surprised that she pushed us to do this."

"Yeah... Mother can be like that sometimes. She's been acting like this even more since you came to town. It's... irritating sometimes." Yukiko groaned.

"Are you saying I'm better off gone?" Souji retorted with a guilt-inducing tone.

"H-Hey; that's not what I...!" Yukiko trailed. "You're being mean to me too, you know..." Yukiko pouted.

"Damn, you're getting around my guilt trips now and sending them back at me. Looks like I'll have to step it up from now on." Souji nodded in affirmation. "Guess I'll cut to the chase." Souji said as he pulled Yukiko in for a kiss. "You've earned that." Souji rewarded as he separated from Yukiko.

"Oh now I have to earn my kisses?" Yukiko smirked. "I can get them whenever I please." Yukiko claimed as she pulled Souji in for Round 2. Souji did not protest at all, in fact he himself got more for what he bargained for. After their little session, Yukiko rested her head on Souji's shoulder for the rest of their time in the spring.

"Souji-kun..." Yukiko asked with a rather calm, yet drifting tone.

"Yes?" Souji responded.

"Can we stay like this... for a while?" Yukiko finished.

"I wish we can, but our time here is soon going to expire. However; I do know one place where we can stay like this.

"Where may that be?" Yukiko asked with her eyes opening and trying to look at Souji.

"You're room." Souji bluntly said.

"That's... fine with me." Yukiko agreed. She was so relaxed from the spring and Souji's presence that she could not interpret the feeling of being embarrassed right now. "Let's go..." Yukiko politely ordered as she tried to get up and leave. The two left the springs a bit earlier than they needed to and changed into Yukata from the Inn. Souji changed quickly, though Yukiko was still in the changing room for quite some time. Kaede said for Souji to head to Yukiko's room since Yukiko had to do one last thing before heading to her room.

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