Manager to be

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"Why are there so many different types of food?" Yukiko sighed.

"I ask myself that every day Yukiko." Souji replied with a small laugh. Yukiko brought Souji to Junes to get food. "Are you making dinner at the Inn?"

"No! I'd never dream of it! I don't think my food's nearly good enough to serve the guests!" Yukiko said with a happy look despite her protests of her cooking. "Since I've decided to leave town, I need to learn how to cook right? You said it yourself, eating out all the time is bad for you. So I'm going to get some practice while I can!"

"I wish you good luck with that."

"Thank you! But, um, I was thinking that maybe you could taste-test my food next time." Yukiko hesitated. "I want someone to eat it and let me know how it is. I think I would improve better that way... and I know you'll give me an honest opinion... W-Will you?"

"Count me in!" Souji said rather eagerly.

"Really!? Thank you!" An exuberant Yukiko said. "When I obtained my Persona, I thought, 'I can do it.' I used to think I couldn't do it on my own, but maybe I really can. I always depended on others, but from here on, I want others to depend on me." Yukiko's will was showing itself to be strong, almost like iron. "Now then, um... where do they sell lobsters?"

After their trip to Junes Souji walked Yukiko to the bus stop and had a little chat to pass the time until the bus would arrive.

"Souji-kun, you aren't going home? I'll be fine by myself."

"I start a job today, so I may as well take the bus with you. I'll be working the night shift at the hospital starting now."

"Really, are there any scary stories there? I hear a hospital can become very eerie at night!" Yukiko spoke with such eagerness and curiosity.

"Not that I'm aware of, but if I find any worth your while, I will be sure to let you know." Souji responded back with a grin.

"Thank you Souji-kun! I love scary stories!" Yukiko jubilantly replied with a quick embrace onto Souji; however she quickly realized what she had done and immediately let go of him, hiding her embarrassed face. "I-I'm so sorry Souji-kun. T-That was just an impulsive reaction, I just love scary stories a lot, that's all..."

"Aw, you let go so soon though." A playful Souji teased Yukiko but couldn't maintain his usual poker face and broke out into a laugh.

"T-That's not..." Yukiko mumbled.

"Don't worry about it though, it's quite alright."

"I see... thank you Souji-kun."

The bus had arrived and Souji accompanied Yukiko to her home to leave the food she bought from Junes, said goodbye to Yukiko, and then headed off to work.

During Lunch, Souji ran into Yukiko while roaming around during his break like always.

"Um Souji-kun... This is a little embarrassing to ask, but if you're not busy later would you go out with me? I-I'll see you later." Yukiko hesitantly asked as she quickly walked away despite just running into him in the hallway.

"I guess I should go see her after school." A confused Souji pondered to himself.

"Oooooh!" Yosuke walked in trying to tease Souji. "Well I was gonna ask if you were up for hanging out with me, but I think you're better off spending time with your lady."

"Yo!" Chie then walked in, "Souji-kun, you up for training today?"

"Sorry Chie, but he's got plans today with a special lady friend."

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