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Time was moving forward despite its sluggish speed. Only two days have passed since that mixed day. The final school-bell has made its final sounds for the day and Souji was ready to head to Junes when Yukiko had stopped him.

"Souji-kun, is something bothering you?" Yukiko asked with concern.

"You can tell?" Souji was quick to respond.

"Yes, you were more quiet than you usually are during lunch."

"But I'm usually the quiet type. You almost make me sound more talkative than Yosuke or Naoto." Souji jested.

"Of course not," Yukiko giggled to herself, "but is there...?"

"Yes there is." Souji answered firmly. "Nanako ran a fever yesterday so I'm heading to Junes to get some more medicine and anything else I might need."

"I see... Do you mind if I accompany you? I would like to help Nanako-chan too if I can." Yukiko sincerely asked.

"Of course Yukiko, I appreciate it; now let's go; I still want to talk to you about what happened at the Inn."

After all the hell and back Yosuke felt he was put through during the festival, he thought to himself that he would finally get at least a day to relax. Too bad life itself had other plans for him.

"Yosuke! Let's go get some steak before you work!" That usually pumped up voice called out.

"Grah, Chie, you know I haven't been paid yet! Let's just go somewhere else." Yosuke whined.

"Then let's train!"

"But we're gonna go to the TV World when it rains though. Let's just do something relaxing for once."

"But you always want to do something simple. We gotta do something fun once in a while."

"Then what, you wanna work with me today at Junes and get some free steak out of it?"

"Wh-what!? Why would I work there!?"

"You wanted something fun right? We'll be working in the back today, so it'll be just us all alo-" A hand just swept through Yosuke's face. "H-Hey! I was just joking around!"

Kanji was but a simple man, who was complex at the same time. Who he wanted was simple, Naoto Shirogane; yet getting a chance to even be in her presence for more than 5 seconds alone, or even going out with her, was one of the most difficult things. Even Souji himself had trouble convincing her to hang out with him. To Kanji, "if Senpai could barely do it, what makes me think I have a chance!?" Kanji however, had taken Souji's advice to heart and really gave it all. He wasn't one for thinking on what to do given his nature, but for Naoto, he felt was going through a minefield. His words had to be careful on where they tread.

He calmed himself down and went into Naoto's classroom. Luckily, she was still there gathering her things before heading home.

"Oh, good afternoon Kanji-kun." Naoto nodded to the young man. "I take it you need me for something?"

"Yeah, uh, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to um, walk into town with me? Go to Junes or somethin'." Kanji requested with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Sure. Do you need me for something?" She said with her request for details.

That was surprisingly easy... unless Naoto didn't notice his intentions; which seemed likely. "I wanted to uh, go get some stuff and I wanted your opinion on somethin' I'm making."

"That's fine. Shall we go now?"

"Uh, yeah sure." Kanji responded with a rather astounded facial expression. She didn't even question his hobbies, which felt like big progress to the young man.

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