The end of summer

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The day was August 30th; there were only two days until school restarted. Rise had asked Souji if he was attending the Fireworks Show that would be happening today. Souji had suggested that the whole group goes. Yosuke had already asked almost everyone else anyway, so Souji spent the day getting ready for it. Today would be the day he tells the team of his relationship with Yukiko. The chances of Rise getting heartbroken from this are practically guaranteed. Souji had called Yukiko to make sure she was ready for this day.

"Yukiko... are you ready?" Souji asked.

"Yeah, they need to know of this sooner than later right?" Yukiko agreed.

"Yeah... especially Rise." Souji said in a darkened tone. "She's almost guaranteed to be hurt from this. Honestly, I just don't want anything bad to happen, but it looks almost inevitable."

"I know, but we shouldn't be pessimistic about this. We're doing this together remember?" Yukiko comforted.

"...Yeah, you're right. When I feel there's a chance to tell them, I'll let you know. Anyway, you want to pray at the shrine before we go meet up with everyone?" Souji smiled.

"Sure, meet me at the bus stop like always. Anyway, see you there." Yukiko said as she hung up the phone.

The two met up and sent their prayers, hoping that tonight would not erupt into chaos. Nightfall had arrived and everyone had watched the Fireworks Show with the Dojima family as well. Soon after, Nanako grew tired and Dojima took Nanako home to put her to bed. The group moved a bit and reminisced on their Summer Vacation. Yosuke commented on how Teddie ruined their time at the Summer Festival and how the guys didn't have much of a chance to hang out with the girls at all and Yosuke brought the question to Souji.

"True, it was completely different." Souji stated.

"W-Wait a sec... What does that mean? What're you comparing it to...?" Yosuke asked with a somewhat shocked tone. "D-Did you go with someone else the next day...?"

Yukiko grew red and turned downward. Chie had noticed and asked on her condition.

"What's the matter, Yukiko? You tired?" Chie asked out of concern.

"Oh, er, no..." Yukiko hesitantly answer looking at Souji for a moment and the two turned away after. Rise spotted this and groaned in response, fearing that what she thought last month would be true.

"Seriously...?" Yosuke tried asking. Yukiko only stared at Souji and Souji had exchanged his glance with hers. He could tell what she was thinking of and nodded.

"....Yes. It's all true." Souji bluntly stated.

"WHAT!?" The whole team shouted while Teddie looked clueless.

"I've been dating her for over a month now." Souji continued to bluntly put out there.

"S-Sensei... you are da man!" Teddie applauded.

"Wow Yukiko... I can't wait to know the details." Chie teased.

"Same goes for me partner. You gotta send me a full detailed report!" Yosuke joked.

"No." Both Souji and Yukiko said at the same time giving Yosuke and Chie a temporary look of disappointment.

"I'm proud of ya senpai. I still got a lot to learn from ya." Kanji nodded to himself.

"O-Oh um... congrats Senpai; I'm... really happy for you two." Rise forcefully smiled.

"H-Hey guys, why don't we stop by Aiya's before we go home?" Yosuke said after quickly reading the atmosphere.

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