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"Oh quit being a big baby about this!"

October 30th. It was the day certain men enjoyed and another certain group of men dreaded. Nothing could possibly be worth the "hell" to some certain co-leader. Not even if the woman he cared for did help him throughout this.

"Yosuke, I at least agreed to take care of your outfit. Now quit walking so slow and get your butt in gear before I kick it all the way to the school doors!" Chie grew irritated at his actions. It was amazing he even got out of bed. Teddie got up practically at the crack of dawn; he zoomed past Chie despite how she asked for help getting Yosuke up. After what felt like 100 calls and 200 angry voicemails and texts, Yosuke eventually got up and walked off with Chie. Chie had hoped Yukiko and Rise had better luck with their guys.

Souji got up no problem. In fact, he awaited Yukiko at her bus stop. He had no qualms surprisingly. It might have been one moment where he complained, but it seemed it was spontaneous. Hopefully, it won't return.

Kanji needed little convincing. It seems that he too, had accepted the cold reality. Though he did not deserve it, unlike a certain impish Senpai he knew, learned to cope with it. Rise teased him at it here and again, but he knew she didn't mean it too much. He rather grew used to it by now. Rise helped him after all. One could argue that through her teasing, he grew used to and more comfortable around women.

"Kanjiii! Are you ready to impress Naoto-kun today?"

Well, at least more tolerable of them. Kanji simply groaned and shrugged off her words. Souji and Yukiko were quite a distance away from them; despite being able to hear Rise from yards away, they chose to say nothing and leave them be. They simply laughed lightly to themselves and continued their own conversations.

Back with Yosuke and Chie, his pace kept to a near normal speed, but he was still lagging behind. Chie simply groaned in irritation. "Yosuke, c'mon, quit being a big baby. You know it's your fault that this is even happening right?"

"...Yeah I know." Yosuke admitted with his tone sounding like he had to really force those words out of him.

"Well, if all this goes well enough... MAYBE I'll let you take me out somewhere. Wherever you want to take me, I might go with you." Chie said hoping it would at least motivate him; her face glowed bright when she realized what left her lips.

"...Thanks. How about we go to the city next week?"

"So long as it ain't anywhere perverted, I think I'll be fine with that." Chie smiled with that signature optimistic "pumped up" pose.

"...Heh, this'll make up for something at least." Yosuke muttered under his breath. Chie quickly moved ahead of him, giving him a good kick in the gut. Yosuke was smacked down onto the the floor, writhing in pain.

"Make up for SOMETHING huh!? You better show up in homeroom in 5 minutes or else the date's off!" Chie ordered.

"But it'll take 10 minutes to get there." Yosuke moaned in complaints as he tried getting up.

"Then start running!" Chie suggested as she marched off.


The tardy bell had rung with Yosuke barely making it in time. He was breathing hard and wobbled all the way to his desk. Souji and Yukiko looked at him for a moment and then the couple exchanged confused glances with one another before gazing at Chie, who simply huffed and crossed her arms, not even sparing a glance at him.

The class was accounted for and the students were free to do as they so pleased for the time being. At around 9AM the gym would be open to fill it up with students to witness the 'Miss' Yasogami Pageant. The group was all in the room, with them spinning their wheels till Chie, Naoto and Rise came back with all the makeup, extensions, clothes, and everything else necessary for making this pageant a success.

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