Summer festival

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The Cicadas could be heard despite the sun barely starting to set. Souji had started to wake up to the irritating noise, but he was fine nonetheless. He still had his Priestess wrapped up in his arm, now facing him and she was still sleeping. Perhaps she was a heavy sleeper, even more than Souji himself. He dared to not disturb her, simply brushing her locks of hair that obstructed his view of her face, smiled and drifted off yet again.

About another hour had passed and Yukiko had woken up; facing Souji and gazed at his sleeping face. He looked so gentle in her eyes; she couldn't help but give him a kiss on his forehead. Souji's eyes twitched in response to this and they slowly opened. Yukiko did not wish for him to wake up, but it was getting late and at least Nanako would be arriving soon. Souji only pulled Yukiko even closer. Both their bodies felt warm, and neither of them minded this. Both wished to stay this way for just a little longer, but it couldn't last forever. Eventually they had to get ready to go; Yukiko needed to be home or else suspicions could be raised. Souji walked Yukiko, who was holding his arm most of the way through, back to the Inn. August 8th was a day neither of them would forget.

Time had passed and it was the 21st of August; the 2nd day at the Festival. Souji had received a call from Yukiko, asking if he could go with her alone. He had of course agreed to this and promised to wait in front the entrance for her.

At the Amagi Inn; Yukiko was getting dressed in her Violet Yukata that she wore the day before. It was much more difficult to put without the help of Chie or Rise. She had kept it a secret from them still and the people at the Inn that she was to go out again to the festival. Despite the protests she kept to herself, she was able to dress herself successfully and had sneaked out to the festival, only getting noticed right as she left the door, which by that time it was too late for anyone to make a comment or question her sudden choice to leave.

As for Souji, he simply called his Uncle telling him that he'd be gone during the evening. Dojima understood quite easily for some reason and said he'd be there early so Nanako would not be alone. He arrived at the exact time, eager to go visit the shrine with Yukiko and to just see her again. He had been very busy for the whole week helping Yosuke out at Junes, so he spent almost no time with her. The only chance he had spoken with her was over the phone, nearly drained from a hard day's work at Junes. She had spoken with him to comfort the Fool through the rough day and to make sure he was alright, but he did promise to make up for that; though she said it was alright, he insisted that he would spend a day with her in the near future. This visit however, did not count in Souji's mind, but it would be a good start. Yukiko arrived shortly after Souji reached the meet-up point.

"Sorry for making you come out again, even though we went yesterday. I know I'm being selfish. But I was frustrated that I couldn't say anything yesterday." Yukiko spoke with a saddened tone. "Meaning... well... When I suggested we walk in pairs... I wanted to be with you..." Yukiko quietly admitted as she blushed. Souji only smiled in response to hear her admit this. "Aaaaanyway!" Yukiko shifted trying to change the mood. "Thank you... I'm happy you came." She appreciated as they walked to the offering box.

The upbeat festival music could be heard despite being a bit far from all the stands as Souji and Yukiko had approached shrine to make their wishes and present their offerings.

"First, we'll go make a wish. What are you going to wish for?" Yukiko curiously asked as she tilted her head towards Souji, with an expected look.

"I wish to become closer to you." Souji smiled.

"Oh... I wished to become closer to you too. And that's what I wish for yesterday..." Yukiko sheepishly said as they both presented their offerings to the shrine. The couple walked out after sending their prayers, but was stopped after Yukiko was called out by the man in charge of the Candy Apple Stand. It seemed she must know him through work at the Inn.

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