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Electra's POV

Slowly coming down from our highs, I reach over to the nightstand and grab my pack of cigarettes. I took one out and lit it.

"Yeah, I guess". I reply, breezing past his comment. I get up cigarette still in contact with my mouth and go to get dressed. I look up and notice he's still talking. I have this really good talent i call selective hearing, if i dont want to hear it, i wont, no matter how close you are. "Mhm, have you seen my phone?"

"Its over there". He points to his dresser and i hastily make my way over there. "So can i see you again?", he asked warily.

I grab my phone and look back before leaving my room. "Dont count on it", I say walking out of his room, slamming the door behind me.

I walk out to my car and the breeze blows the ash on my cigarette, burning me in the process. "Shit". I spit my cigarette out and step into it, crushing it to the ground.

I get in my car and drive, speeding back to my house.


There will be weekly updates most likely on Friday or Saturday and the chapters will be longer

See ya soon


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