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Electra's POV

"Tristan, I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do". I pace my floor, my anxiety getting the best of me.

"Why can't you just stay with Jace after this whole thing".

After the incident with Jace today, I immediately called Tristan over. I have been paranoid and on my toes ever since almost said he loved me. It took me so off guard that I've been avoiding him, his text, his calls, his social media, everything. Not to mention, it scares the hell out of me that not only does Jace 'love me', it's the fact that I love him too.

"He would never trust me after he finds out this was a bet, he's gonna think I was using him and I don't care, when in all reality, I care a ton, and I think I might live him too", I ramble.

"Wow Lectra, that's big".

"What are you talking about?".

"You just said you love this guy".

I stop pacing and look at my floor in embarrassment. "That's not the point, focus Tristan".

"I honestly think you're over reacting". I glare at Tristan. "But, if you honestly feel the need to not win this bet, then stop him from saying it or when he does, don't tell Harley".

"I thought of that too, I don't want to be her servant either".

"Well, it looks like you're in a sticky situation", he sighs.

We collapse on my bed and just stare at my ceiling until I break the silence. "You know I vowed never to love anyone after that day, and it scares me that I love Jace".

"Yeah, well love is a scary thing. You are giving someone totally control of you physically, emotional and mentally. The only question I have for you is if your ready for that?"

I take a moment to think about it. Am I ready? "Yeah", I smile. "I think I am.

"You've come along way then, I'm proud".

"Thanks, boo".

"Well, I got to go, so text me later".

We do that French cheek kiss thing, and Tristan proceeds to my front door and I follow him closely. "Will do".

I watch Tristan get in his car, I wave one more time, before watching him speed of into the distance.

I decide to text Jace and stop avoiding him, that is not what a girlfriend does you know.

Hey babe, what's up?-E

I'm fine, why? -J

Okay no need for the attitude -E

There was no need to avoid me either -J

I'm not now -E

I texted him, but never got a text back. He must be really pissed at me. I sat there telling myself, that it wasn't my fault, I did the right thing. In all reality though, I was completely wrong, my actions even disgusted me.

I decided to watch a movie to keep my mind off things. I scroll through my channel list and decide on the movie Prom. I've seen it like 5 times but don't remember it completely but I do remember it being a good movie.

In the middle of me watching it, my cell phone rings. The number was unknown and I started not to answer it. "Hello?".

"Hey, Electra, it's mom".

"Oh, hi mom", my mood starts to become even worse.

"What's wrong, baby?".

"Nothing, why are calling?", I quickly dismiss her question.

"I just wanted to tell you that, I'm engaged!".

Engaged. Engage to who, the fuck. "O-oh, that's nice I guess".

"Yeah, it pretty amazing,", she sighs. "I also have another surprise for you!".

"Mmm", I Humm to let her know to continue.

"I'm coming to America, Sean wants to come and meet you".

Sean, so that's this bastard's name. "Wow, okay, why don't we have dinner. When are you coming?"

"In a month, around Thanksgiving".

"Sounds good to me".

"Okay, I'll talk to you later".

I hang up the phone and immediately break down, how the hell do you move on so quickly. It's only been 3 years. Thanksgiving is in 3 weeks, Im not all that enthusiastic about spending my Thanksgiving, with my 'stepdad'. I know one thing for sure, no one can replace my dad.


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