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Electra's POV

"Shit, Come on Jace were gonna be late to our appointment again!", I yell up the stairs.

" I'm coming woman, Damn!"

I swear this kid isn't gonna be satisfied until we end up losing our spot one day.

"My god its the last check-up, we can't just be on time once?". I sigh. " I'll be waiting in the car".

10 minutes pass and Jace is just walking out of the house. He opens the car door and gets in. "I'm sorry babe, I was just getting freshened up". I dont answer.

"Really, youre gonna act like you don't hear me and give me the silent treatment".

I ignore him and rest my hands on my stomach. He starts the engine.

"OK Babe".

20 minutes later, and were 10 minutes late to our appointment. I let out an aggravated sigh and get out of the car.

" You better hope that they still see me, or thats your ass".

"But babe..."

I give him a pointed glare. "Dont babe me".

I walk into the building and go to the front desk. "Hello, how may I help you?",the secretary says.

"Hi, my name is Electra Lakewood and I'm checking in for my 4 o'clock appointment".

"Okay ma'am, the doctor will be with you momentarily. If you'll would have seat over there, well call you when he's ready"

"Thank you".

I go sit next to Jake in the waiting room. "You are so lucky I can still see the doctor".

"I told you so", he beams.

"Don't push it", I glare. He kisses my cheek. "I forgive you".

"You always do", he whispers in my ear.

"Mr. and Mrs.Lakewood".Our heads peer up. "This way please".

We stand and enter the room we've been in so many times before.

"Hello Doctor Tram"

She smiles. "How are you mom?"

Every time she says that to me it feels surreal, I'm finally a mother.

"I feel great, just waiting for these to pop out".

" Yeah, well you're very close. Lay down here and I'm gonna put the gel on your stomach".

"OK", I do as told and Jace sits in the chair holding my hand, like he always does.

"Everything looks good, your twins look perfectly healthy".

"Thank you", I smile.

"Did you two figure out any names for them yet".

"Well we don't know the genders yet", I say. Jace wanted it to be a surprise and its been killing me to find out.

"But if they are boys, we decided on Felix and Aden", he smiles smugly.

Jace had gotten to choose those names...after begging me for like 3 weeks. Let me tell you, that was the most annoying month of my life.

"And if they are girls, we decided on Carter and Leilani".

"Well good luck, these next couple of days should be a breeze", Doctor Tram says.

I get redressed and we leave the doctors office. My babies are due September 21st. At the start of my favorite season. Thats only a week away.

On the way home I feel a shooting pain in my stomach and then another one. I feel myself sitting in a pool if liquid. " J-Jace".

"Yes baby?"

"My w-water just b-broke". I scream in agony as another pain shoots through my stomach.

Jace steps on the gas. " Okay baby, deep breathes, I'm gonna take you to the hospital".

I take his hand on the middle console and squeeze when I feel pain. "Baby, i know it hurts but both of us cant be in the emergency room tonight".

"Shut the hell up, I'm in labor!".I start rambling. "You just couldn't keep it in your pants, you had one job. All you had to do was use a condom, but no you forgot".

"You asked me for kids love", he shakes his head.

"Thats besides the point".

Another pain.

We arrive at the hospital and Jace carries me to the front.

"We need a wheel chair!". He calls a nurse. "My wife is in labor".

"Right this way", he says.


2 hours later.

Jace's POV
They are cleaning the goop off of my baby girl and baby boy. They hand Felix Aden to me, and Carter Leilani to Electra.

"Welcome to the world love", I whisper to the smiling baby.

He has his mothers eyes.

I looked at my 2 kids and I love them immediately. I walk over to Electra.

"You know she looks just like you", she says.

"Yeah, well our son has your eyes, so I guess were even", I smirk. I look at her and smile, which she returns back.

"I never thought I could want to give this much love to anyone".

"What do you mean?", she asks.

"I love all of you so much, unconditionally. I didn't think it was possible. I'm scared I'll fuck this up E".

"Look at me. All it takes is one person to get through those barriers. Just like you got through mine. Now we have a lovely marriage and two beautiful babies out of it. Don't be scared".

"I love you", I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too".

Electra's POV

I think about how far life has come. It hasn't been long since me and Jace have been married. Harley, Tristan and I have gone our separate ways temporarily.

Harley went to art school in New York and is now going in to acting. Tristan has kept close to home and has found himself a boyfriend named Carlos. And I went to Medical School so I could become a vet.

Jace decided to finish his studies after I did so he is still going to school. However he works for a Tech company helping develop phones.

Everyone has come a long way and I wouldn't have asked for anything else.

All thanks to that damn Bet.

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