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Electra's POV

All week Jace has been relentless in asking me out. I don't know why, but he does not take no for an answer. This boy is just as stubborn as I am.

Today is Friday and I am so tired from all the school work I've been doing. Today we didn't really do anything because we have a pep rally for the football season. The guys were having try outs next week though.

The bell that signals for everyone to head to the football field sounds, and by the time I start heading towards the field the hallways are deserted which is weird. I go to the bleachers and sit in the very top. I'm afraid of heights but for some reason when I'm up here, I feel alive.

The pep rally goes as it usually should, cheerleaders cheer, dancers dance, football veterans speak and get the crowd hyped up for the season. We talked about our rivals and how were gonna win. Then the unsuspected happened.

Jace got on the mic and everyone started cheering. He started to speak and I swear I wish I left when I did.

"Hey guys, as you all probably know and if you don't, I'm new to this school. I'm really excited for this football season, but other matters have gained my attention. A girl in this school, has caught my eye, yet she keeps rejecting me", the crowd boos and I shutter. "Now some of my really good pals have helped me with this today, so I could gain her attention.".

A banner opens behind him and in big, bold black letters says,

'Electra will you go out on a date with me tonight'

A blush creeps up on my face and I lower my body hoping I would disappear into thin air.

This clever little asshole. Well played Jace, well played.

"I'm sure you all know her and I would like to get to know her too. If you see her on the bleachers, make noise and point me in her direction".

The whole top row I'm sitting in makes noise and Jace starts walking towards the bleachers. Oh geez. I try to sneak away but I ran into Harley and Tristan. Of course Harley tries to let me run but Tristan holds me captive. "She's right here", he yells and soon Jace approaches me.

"So what do you say, Electra?"

"Sure, why the hell not", I shrug trying to seem nonchalant.

"She said yes!", he yells into the mic and the crowd cheers.

Soon I'm picked up by Jace and hugged so tightly. You know how you get hugged by a guy and it feels so different than being hugged by a girl. I liked that feeling, its been a while, but since we were so high up I couldn't enjoy it. I tugged his shirt and basically molded into him.

I wrapped my legs around him and buried my head in his shoulder. He laughed at me. "You're afraid of heights?".

I nodded and he started walking down the bleachers, laughing harder with each step. The students followed us inside the building and starting going home for the weekend. Jace finally let me down by our lockers and I muttered a quick thanks to him.

"No problem", he says. "So I do have 2 things to say though".


"Check Mate and I'm going to pick you up at 9".

It just dawned on me that he won. "Good game, Lakewood, but this is not over".

"Oh but I think it is, but anyways, wear something casual tonight". With that he walks off.


I get ready for the date tonight at 8. I'm actually nervous about tonight, what if he decides he doesn't like me. Wait, what about the bet. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and proceeded getting ready.

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