A Ghost of a Shadow

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Spencer's POV

Wow, being back here feels surreal. I haven't been back since graduation, I couldn't bare it. It's funny how your past, has a funny way of catching up with you.

Or what's even funnier, how people don't really know what's behind the curtain, that is your life. You can't put up this big facade and nobody would tell the difference between being genuinely happy or faking it. People assume what they see is real.

It's about 2 o'clock here and I'm fucking starving. I decide to go home first, before getting something to eat.

"Mom, I'm home", I shout throughout the house as I set my bags down. It looks the same in here, boring and drab, just like when I left.

Then again nothing has been appealing for two years.

"Oh son", my mom says strolling out of the kitchen. "I'm missed you so much", she pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Yeah, I know. I've been extremely busy". That's a lie.

"Well, you're here noe, that's what matters", she sighs. "You hungry? I made some lunch".

"No thanks, I'm just gonna head to the cafe up the street. I miss there food".

"More than your mother's?", she laughs.

"Mom you can't cook", I laugh too. I'm only half joking. She really can't cook, for my off to college party, she tried to bake a cake. She burned it. It was so bad, the neighbors smelled something burning and called the fire department.

"Yeah, well come back soon. We need to catch up".

"Of course".

I walk out of the house and hop into my pickup. I missed my baby. I left it here, while I was in college. Out there, there really is no reason for a car, there's too many ways of transportation.

I turn on the engine and hear as it springs to life, how it purrs. I pull out of my driveway and head straight to the cafe.

Electra's POV

"Do we have to go meet Harley and Tristan?", Jace whines for the fifteenth time this car ride.

"Goddammit, yes we do. We're almost there anyway", I yell.

"Geez, make my ears bleed, why don't you", Jace sighs.

I can't help but smile at his remark. He's so cute when he's annoyed. It makes my day. I'm weird. SUE ME.

"Love you too, asshole".

"Love you more, shitface", he replies making googly eyes at me.

"Not possible".

I pull into the cafe and cut off my engine. Jace springs out of the car to open my door for me. "This way, m'lady".

"Awe thank you, my knight in shining armor", I giggle. Eww, the fuck was that?

"Did you just giggle?", Jace holds back a laugh. My smile turns to a pointed glare. I walk off, leaving Jace practically dying of laughter. "O-okay, I-I'm sorry".

"Leave me alone, Jace".

"Oh, come on, what did I do".

I walk in the cafe and immediately spot Harley and Tristan. Harley died her hair this lilac color, I like it. It really brings out her eyes.

"Hey guys", Jace greets from behind me.

"Hi", they say in unison.

I go in my back pocket for my phone and its not there. I check my other pockets and it's missing.

"Fuck", I mutter. I look up and notice Jace, Harley and Tristan in a friendly conversation.

I feel Jace breathing in the crook of my neck. He whispers in my ear. "You okay?".

"I left my phone in the car". I sigh.

"Want me to get it?", he goes to get up anyway.

"No, no I got it. Excuse me, I gotta go back to the car", I say to my friends.

I get up and they go back to talking. Before walking completely out of the cafe, I turn around and give Jace a small smile. I turn back around and walk out. I pull the keys from my pocket and head to the car and unlock it. Once it's unlocked I go in and look for my phone.

I find it between the seat and get out of my car. When I turn around there's someone behind me. I jump a little startled at first but then I realize I know this person. My body fills with rage and my fist ball up.

"Spence?", I ask with pure venom on my voice.

He jumps a little, I'm guessing because of the amount of hatred laced in my tone.

He sighs. "Electra".

I walk away and he grabs my arm. "Wait, please can we talk".

"You lost that privilege a long time ago", I spit. I mean seriously who does he think he is. You humiliate me, knowing about my past with cutting and never even call to check in with me.

I try to pull away and his grip only tightens. I grind my teeth. "Spencer, I swear to god, if you don't let me go".

"Just let me explain", he pleads.

"There is nothing to explain, it's been two years get over it". I look away from his eyes and mutter. "Just like I have".

"Is there a problem here?". Oh shit, here comes Jace.

I snatched my arm away, and surprisingly Spencer let me go.

"Nah man, I was just leaving".

"Yeah, he was just going", I tell more to Spencer than Jace.

Jace comes over and pulls me to side. "Who is that guy anyway?". Fuck, should I lie or tell Jace the truth. He's gonna find out anyway.

"Don't be mad, it's Spencer", I look into his eyes.

Jace's eyes widen and his face turns red. His jaw clenches, fist ball up and his body goes stiff. I couldn't help but notice his eyes cloud over, but not in lust, in anger.

"Promise me, you won't do anything", I say.

He does nothing but look at my face, avoiding my eyes. We stand there for what seems like an eternity, but it has only been about 3 minutes, when he storms off towards Spencer.

"So you're the little bitch that broke her heart", Jace says.

"Look,I didn't mean too. I didn't know she would disappear for awhile, I didn't know it would hurt her that bad". Spencer is walking away from Jace. A panicked look is on his face, I can tell he doesn't want a fight.

"Disappear? You don't even know the half", he continues towards Spence and he starts cocking his fist back. I run over to them and grab Jace's free hand.

I instantly feel his body relax and his face starts to lighten again. His breathe is still ragged and his jaw clenched.

I whisper in his ear. "He's not worth it. I'm yours now anyway, he can't break me or us. He's the past and your my future".

He sighs, the rest of his body relaxing. He shifts his hand and intertwined our fingers.

We walk back towards the cafe and before completely disappearing behind the cafe doors, Jace turns around.

"You come near my girlfriend again, and I promise I will put you in the hospital. Got it?"

Spencer nods disappointed and gets into his car.

Jace turns back around and acts as if nothing happens. I glance behind me to watch Spencer pull off.

I'm going to talk to him later. Give him a piece of my mind.

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