Decisions, Decisions

21 1 0

Jace's POV

This feels absolutely surreal. A father. I'm a father. I know me and Sam left off on a bad note. Okay, horrible note. But this has to be the best moment of my life. I'm seventeen turning eighteen and I have a kid. Not the ideal situation, and it's not with the person I love, either way, this baby is to be cherished, like I wasnt.

"Earth to Jace", says Electra.

"Y-yeah", I mutter. I wonder what she thinks. Will she leave me or support me?

"What are you gonna do?", asked Sam.

Ace laughs. "What do you think".

"I'm not a piece of shit like you, so shut your fucking mouth". I can't believe someone could imply something like that about me. He doesn't even know me.

"Well what are you gonna do then?", Electra pressed.

"Everything that wasn't done for me", I give a small smile. Electra knows nothing of my past. My adoption, my real parents, my adoptive parents. I'll have to tell her soon, it's only fair.

"What do you mean?".

"I'm going to be there every step of the way. I'm going to care for it. If it isn't mine, well I'll be there as a friend, for her and Sam".
I look to Electra and she stares back. "If thats okay with you of course".

"Why would I have a problem. It's your kid, you can't neglect her".

I put a piece of stray hair behind her ear and rest my hand upon her cheek. She leans into the touch as I kiss her.

"Electra Grey and Jace Lakewood for bail", says an officer. I get up and so does Electra. On the way out, Electra and I stop to talk to the guard.

"How much is bail for Samantha Foster?", asked Electra.

"100 dollars", says the officer.

"I'll bail her out too", I say.

"We'll bail her out", corrects Electra.

"And the other one?".

"Let him rot", Electra replies. It scared me how heartless she said it.

"Yes, Ma'am".

We walk to the bail bonds person in the front of the building. We each put up fifty dollars for Sam. All we have to do now is sign the papers and wait.

"You know you didn't have to do this", I state.

"Think of it as my way of saying, I support you every step of the way", she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, I needed that".

"You'll be a great dad, if you are one at least".

I sigh. She's right, there's always that what if. "We should talk when we get home".

"About?", she sighs.


After I say that the Sam appears before us. "Thanks", she says.

"No biggie", Electra and I say in unison.

I wonder who bailed us out though.


We dropped Sam off at home and we decide to go to my house. As soon as we walked in, Electra sat in the living room, waiting for me to join her.

"You wanted to talk?", she starts.

"Why do you keep running away from me, and our petty arguments".

"I dont", she argues. It's cute, but im serious and I'm not backing down.

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