First Encounters ( Electra's and Colton's History Pt. 1)

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Electra's POV

It was the start of something more. The day Samantha and Colton broke up. It was a long time coming, but so were alot of things. What sucks even more was that I fell into his trap, the one that led me into my own self-destruction. Why he chose me, I don't know. I was the only girl who was vulnerable. I was the only girl caring enough, to try and help him. I didn't want him, at first, but he made the first move. He acted on his 'feelings'. In the end, I'm the one who feels the most pain.

Only three people know the truth about what actually happened, not even Harley or Tristan. Spencer, Colton, and I are the soul keepers of this secret, and now there's gonna be a fourth.

2 years ago (Before Spencer)

I was walking through the hall, my head down and my hood up. I made sure no contact was made with any of students. If I don't draw attention to myself, I won't be the victim of their harassment.

I met Harley at her locker every morning, and every morning we would go to breakfast in the cafe. Everything was normal, until two unfamiliar faces walked into the cafeteria.

"I don't care, Sam", says a brunette boy.

"You are not allowed to walk away from me", says a barbie doll looking blonde.

"Get the fuck out of my face, you cheated on me with Spencer. My best friend, you're a whore".

I watch the brunette walk all through the cafeteria, trying to get away from the blonde. I stared intently at the brunette,and he must've felt my stare. He turned around in my direction, and held my gaze. Even when the blonde caught up to him he was still looking at me.

I noticed his huge brown eyes. The way he looked hurt and broken, even though I didn't know him, I still felt for him. The girl eventually noticed he was staring and she turned around too. She glared at me and the slapped the brunette in the face.

"Guess I wasn't the only one cheating", she stormed off.

He went after her, and for the next couple of days I didn't see him.

It wasn't until that Friday, the Friday that started everything. I was at my locker, and it was the end of the school day. I was getting my books I needed for home work and placing them in my bookbag. No one was in the hallway with me, everyone had already gone home.

I closed my locker and started trudging my way to the front doors, when I was stopped by a particular someone.

"Hey, you're the girl from the cafe, right?".

I continued walking past him, not wanting anything to do with him.

"Hey wait, I only wanted to talk to you".

"Why me?", I asked shyly.

"Cause, I need someone to talk to, that doesn't know me".

"There are ton of people in this school, go find someone else",I say coldly.

"I already did".

"Look, you don't want to be seen with me, I'm giving you the warning, so leave".

"And if I dont?", he smirked.

"Then I'll leave, see ya", I waved,

"The name's Colton by the way", I hear him yell as I exit the building.

"I didn't ask", I yell back.

I look behind me and he wasn't there anymore. He was a strange boy, and he made me curious.

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