Plan A to Plan B

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Jace's POV

The past couple of days, me and Electra have stayed away from each other. If we see each other in the hall we avoid eye contact and pretend we didn't see each other. It feels as if we don't know each other anymore.

Today, however, was a totally different story. It all started when I walked down the school hallway. I was talking with one of the guys I've become really close too.

"Man, I don't know what to tell you, she has you whipped", says Colton.

"And what's wrong with that".

"She is obviously avoiding you because you ended it, and I know Electra isn't the type to come crawling back".

"I know but, I really love this girl".

"What was the argument about anyway?", Colton asked.

"It's not my business to tell", I shrug.

Everything fell silent until we approached Colton's locker. I was leaning against the locker next to his as he got his books. "All I'm saying man is, Electra's not the type to wait around. I'm surprised she hasn't moved on already, to be honest".

"Well, I haven't seen anything yet".

"Don't speak too soon, mate".

"Too late".

Across the hall was Electra and a guy people call Ace. I don't know him much, but I do know he gets whatever girl he wants.

"What do you mean?", Colton turns around to see what I'm looking at. "Awe, man that has to suck".

I watch there interactions. Electra is leaning on the locker, Ace towering over her, his arms over her head. Electra laughs and it fills the hallway, that's all I can hear. Everything moves in slow motion, as I see Ace start leaning down and Electra start rising up.

I start to storm over there, but Colton holds me back.

"Don't do this, she'll only resent you more".

"Why? Because I'll beat the shit out of Ace?", I shrug out of Colton's grip.

"No, because you ended it and getting mad that she's kissing another guy. She's not yours anymore". The words hit me like a brick. I'm the reason we're not together, I'm the reason she's kissing another guy. It's my fault.

"Then what do I do?"

"Keep your distance, give her time", he suggested.

"Yeah, maybe I'll just go home for the day". I walk off and halfway down the hall, Colton yells at me.

"I'm throwing a party, my place, I'll text you the details".

"Yeah, alright", I yell back.

Electra's POV

"Alright he's gone", I say to Ace.

"Awe but we were just getting to the good part".

"That was not apart of the deal".

"Yeah, yeah I know, but can't I just have a little fun".

"It depends, what are you doing later tonight?".

"Why?", he raises an eyebrow.

"We might be going to a party", I smirk.

Okay, so I know all of you readers are probably, maybe the slightest bit confused about what's going on. Well let me fill you in.

After Jace broke up with me, I went in my house and cried for a couple of hours. I wallowed in my despair but then an idea struck. Let's make Jace jealous. I thought of all the people I could use to make this happen. I went through the list off all the favors I had. It went from people ranging from David to Lawerence, but none of them matched the criteria. I scrolled through my phone contacts until I stopped on the one and only Ace.

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