Chapter 2: The End of Days

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Electra's POV

After school I went home to contemplate my life. I must be in a parallel universe. Since when was it okay to reject me. I mean maybe in the past, but now that's just ridiculous. My mind starts to reminisce to the last person to reject me. My heart was shattered, and that's what pushed me to do what I did.


Sophomore Year

"Hey babe", I say excitedly.

He slowly turns around, and raises an eyebrow at me. "Who are you again?".

I was caught off guard. "W-What do you mean, who am I? I'm Electra your girlfriend and have for like four months now".

His friends looked at him, and said. "Wow, you really went out with this freak?"

"No, I would never. This is just one of the many skanks of this school".

"S-Skank", I repeat. I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Yeah, you were nothing more than an easy lay", he says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I've been your girlfriend for four months and I was just an easy lay", I ask the tears rolling down my cheek.

"You were never my girlfriend, I only told you that so you'd have sex with me, and now that you have I don't need you anymore".

"No, I don't believe you", I was crying hysterically now.

"What don't you understand. Do you need me to break it down for you?", he raises his voice. "You were an easy lay...a better fuck...just like most of the girls in this school, you've been played. Just accept it and move on".

I looked at him one more time, then I turned on my heel and ran out the school and to my house, crying.

End of Flashback

My eyes burn, and I feel my cheek. Sure enough, I was crying just like in my flashback. After that day, I only cried one other day. The day I wish I never had, the one I wish I could take back the most. Then again, I wouldn't be who I am today if all this never happened.

I let my thoughts consume me, as I fell into a deep sleep.

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I woke up for school, and did my normal routine. Shower, washed hair, got dressed, brushed teeth and ate some breakfast.

I woke up and felt like I haven't slept in days. Outside matched my mood, depressing and gray. I grabbed the keys to my car and drove to school.

I pulled up on the lot and parked my car under a tree. I got out and slowly trudged my way to the school and through the hallway to my locker. When I got to my locker I opened it and starting my books out. I sensed a presence and looked through the corner of my eyes. I noticed a particular someone, taking book out of their locker too. Jace.

I went back to getting the rest of my books. Lord, why did you put his locker next to mine? I looked up and closed my locker. I headed to my first period class, but not before stealing a glance at the one boy who has the nerve to reject me.


It was now lunch and Tristan, Harley and I were at our table. Our trays in front of us. Tristan and Harley are downing their lunch and me, I'm just picking at it. All my appetite has seemed to disapper.

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