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Jace's POV

3 weeks later

Electra called me right after she got the call from her mom. Her mom is coming to introduce her to her new stepdad. I don't understand how you can waltz in and out of someone's life, and expect them to be excited for you.

Electra told me to come for three reasons:

1) To introduce me to the one parent she has left

2) Moral Support

3) To make sure she doesn't do anything to crazy

Of course I agreed, I'm her boyfriend. It's not like I have something better to do. Electra has spent weeks getting ready for this dinner. She been stressing about, what to wear, where we should go, and even how she should introduce me.
Eventually, she decided we go to some really fancy restaurant, where we have to wear suits and evening gowns. She said she would formally introduce me, at the same time her mom introduces this Sean guy.

Electra told me to come over to her house to get ready. She insisted we get ready together and she wasnt joking, When I got here she wasn't dressed, she went to go take a shower and I haven't seen her since. I put in my suit and fixed my hair, which only took me 20 minutes tops. Electra, however, is still in the bathroom doing whatever.

I knock on the bathroom door. "Are you almost done?".

"Yeah, I'm coming out now".

I step aside and when she opens the door, the light from the bathroom creates a heavenly light behind her. She looks absolutely stunning.

She has a two piece blue dress, with a tan purse and heels. Her hair falls into waves and the only make up she has on is eyeliner. I have on a Navy blue suit and my hair is slightly combed back.

I stand with my mouth agape, just starring at the beautiful girl, I get to call mine.

"Awe babe, close your mouth you'll catch flies", she laughs.

"Well, how can I when you look like that". I follow her with my eyes as she walks across the room.

"Haven't you heard that there was once an old lady who swallowed a fly".

"No, your are not quoting that book", I say unbelievably.1-

"What it was one of my all time favorites". She looks in the mirror fluffing her hair.

I get up and walk behind her smiling. I press my self up against her and whisper in her ear. "You wanna know what my all time favorite is?".

"What?", she says breathlessly.

"You". Her breath hitches as I move her hair to the side and start kissing her neck. A small moan escapes her lips as I slightly bend her over, pushing myself against her ass. I slightly smack it, and she takes in a sharp breath and moans. "Too bad we don't have time for this".

I lift her up and hug her waist from behind. We look into the mirror and I love the image infront of us. I have my arms around Electra's waist, and she is leaning on my chest and shoulder. It's perfect.

She turns around and pecks my lips. "Ready?".
"Whenever you are".

We walk out the room, down the stairs and out the door. I open the car door, waiting for Electra to get in. I close it after she is settled and rush to my side. I get in and start the engine.

"Hello?",Electra says. "Yeah, we're on our way now. Okay. Bye".

"Who was that?", I ask.

"My mom. She said she's almost to the restaurant".

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