Chapter 1

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Electra's POV

Today is a new day, and to say I'm excited would be a lie.

I'm going to this hell hole you call school. It's like the worse place on earth. Not only is it a jail cell for teens, its a place where all the prisoners are either snobs, jerks, or fake, maybe even all of the above.

The snobs are usually bitches, the jerks are usually jocks or players and the fakes are usually everyone.

I only have two friends, a gay  and a nerd. My nerd of friend is named Harley Davidson. She was the one who as been with me, through thick and thin, even in the past before I changed my whole persona. Tristan Parks, is my gay friend for whom I've just met a year ago after I changed my look. He transferred last year, and we hit it off automatically. He knows about my past but he never brings it up. I can trust the both of them with my life.

"Electra, wake up"

"I'm up! I'm up", I say frantically as I take in my surroundings. I look and see Harley looking at me confused. I notice that not only is the class looking at me like I've gone wild, but my teacher is too.

"Sleeping in class again Ms.Grey. Detention", Mrs. Thompson says.

"Yeah right, like I'm going to that. Your new here, I get that but for future reference, I don't go to detention, so don't bother", I say.

Everyone is looking at me wide-eyed as if I wouldn't have dared say anything. They know better, I'm not that girl anymore.

"If you don't come, I'll have no choice but to report it to the dean", she says, not confidently might I add.

I leaned forward, just enough over my desk. "Try me".

She glared at me and let me tell you if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under right now.

She returned to teaching and everyone turned back around listening to the warden scold.

Eventually the bell sounded and everyone piled out of the class. Half the day was over and it was lunch time. Lunch is my favorite part of the day, not only because of food -food is my life- but because we get to go off campus for an hour and a half.

Harley, Tristan and I usually go to my house for lunch, but today we decided to stay on campus.

I met Harley and Tristan at Harley's locker.

"Hey, you guys ready?", I asked.

"Yeah, come on", Tristan replied instantly.

We headed off to lunch and immediately went to the lunch line.

"So Electra fell asleep in math again", Harley stated. "Pay up".

Tristan handed over the money and sighed in response. "You guys bet on me?"

"Yeah, and let's just say I made a terrible call", Tristan said.

"Well, who's fault is that. I always win my bets", Harley says matter-of-factly.

The two go back and forth, and for a while it amuses me, but I get bored after a while. The line hasn't started moving yet and is taking forever. I looked around the cafe as a habit and someone caught my eye.

"Hey guys, who's that?"

Their heads snapped up and looked to where my gaze is locked.

"Oh you didn't hear, that's the new boy, he just transferred", Tristan stated.

"Jace Lakewood", Harley says.

This boy is sitting in the corner of the cafe, by himself reading. If it wasn't for his looks, you wouldn't have noticed him. His brown hair is short and shaggy falling effortlessly on his face. His eyes are hazel and you could get lost in them easily.

I notice Savanah Snow, the most stuck up bitch in the school heading his direction. I watch the seen unfold and notice Savanah trying to be as seductive as possible but failing by the minute. Mystery guy or Jace is looking rather uncomfortable and I decide to go save him.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go help Jace out", I say before waking to his table. "Uh-um, hey Savanah still trying to spread herpes I see".

Jace coughs trying to hide his laughter and Savanah just turns around to me. "Awe, look at what the cat dragged in, a used up mouse".

"Really, that's the best you could do, pitiful. You would think after all the interactions we've had, you would've learned something". I shake my head disappointed.

"Look bitch, why don't you move along", she growled.

"Look, I know you have an obsession with drugs, I'll give some if you leave".

She scoffed. "I do not".

"Then how do you explain the powder underneath your nose", I say and point to a random spot on her face. She takes off running towards the bathroom.

I turn around to face Jace and let me tell you this boy is more breath-taking in person.

"Hey, uh thanks for that. She's really persistent", he says scratching the back of his neck.

"No prob", I say before turning to walk away.

"What's your name", he asks abruptly.

"Electra", I shake his hand.


"Hey do you want to come to my place sometime, I mean, to hang out, or whatever, we can do whatever", I ramble. Why the hell am I rambling?

"You look nice and all, but I'm not really looking for that, but thanks". He resumed his book and left me standing there dumbfounded.

I walk back to the line that has started moving and see Tristan and Harley getting their food. I slide into my spot I had before I left and they both look at me expectantly.

"So", they say in unison.


"What did he say, we saw you make your move", Tristan says.

"He rejected me".

They look at me wide-eyed and I know exactly what they're thinking.

I look back to Jace and see him get up and walk out of the cafe.

He rejected me , I'm never rejected.

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