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Electra's POV

We pull into Jace's driveway and as soon as he stops I get out the car.

"Electra", I dont answer. "Electra!".

I turn around and met with a pair of lips. I immediately melt into the kiss. I drop my bag and swing my arms around his neck.

Jace pulls back. "You know, I love you".

"I do, I just wish you could trust me as much as I trust you".

I back away, just as Jace darts his eyes away from me. He goes to unlock the door, and I wait on his porch. We walk in and head straight to the living room.

"I dont even know whats going on E, what's your problem".

"My problem", I yell. "What's yours".

"I told you in the car, nothing has been going on between me and Sam since the summer. I dont know what she wants but until I do, its none of your concern about the past".

"You know what...ill just go", I grab my bag and head towards the door.

"Where are you gonna go, I drove?".

I have money and friends around here, but just to piss him off. "Ill call Ace", I yell.

He eyes immediately go cold and he punches the wall. "I dont trust you and him, I know he has feelings for you".

I put up my middle finger. "If I have to stay out of your life, you stay out of mine".

He slams his front door and I sit on the curb, in front of Jaces house. I grab my phone and text Ace.

Hey where r u -E

In the middle of a hookup, y? -A

I need a ride -E

I got you, where u at? -A

I send him the address and he texted me saying 20 minutes.


"You know, you should cut him some slack", Ace says pulling into my driveway.

I say nothing.

"He didnt cheat, he didnt lie", he starts again.

"Yeah, but it's none of your business anyways", I yell. "So, shut your fucking mouth".

Ace's eyes turn soft, like he pitied me. I should've known better than to tell Ace. He always gives me that look. I look out the window and open the door.

"I'll see you at the party", I whisper.

"Yeah, whatever punk", he says.

I get out and close the door, watching Ace drive off. I look at my house and sigh. Time to pick an outfit.

Walking into my house, I head straight upatios to my closet. I look for my flowy white tank, my dark blue skinny jeans and my floral, pink kimono.

I put the items on my bed and grab a few undergarments from my drawer. I wash my body and my hair. I put on the undergarments before leaving my bathroom and then walk into my room to change clothes. It's almost time for Christmas. The weather is getting colder.

Once I'm done getting dressed I pull on my Black Dr. Martin's and go to put on some light makeup.


2 hours into the party

I am completely wasted. And not like giggling wasted, like fucked up, black out drunk. I've always been one to hold my liquor but currently Ace is standing over me, holding my hair, as I empty my guts.

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